Hyperbaric Chamber for Autism and Cerebral Palsy






” This is a response I had from one mom on mild HBOT portable chamber from the Yahoo group I subscribe to:

I would not say my child is completely recovered, but a Portable Hyperbaric Chamber was a HUGE success for my son. My son was diagnosed with mild-moderated ASD at age 3. We have been doing lots of traditional (ABA, Speech, OT, PT and a SEIT in his mainstream classroom) therapy, supplements (including MB12, DRN from Kirkman and Omega-cure fish oil), and mHBOT (we rented a chamber from Dr. Neubrander for 2 months in total). He will be 4 at the end of the week. My son lost his ASD diagnosis after the first montly round of mHBOT (Neubrander’s protocol is 1.5 hours 2 times a day with a long break in between). Before the mHBOT my son was talking and 4 weeks later he was having conversations.

I can’t begin to detail all of the changes here that we saw from mHBOT. Every one of his therapists have been amazed with his progress. It helped in every area – PT, OT, Speech, school and home. He still has some issues – he has overflow (when he gets excited his hands move around – but it is short lived), he could socialize better (but he does have a girlfriend at school!), he has some core strength and large motor planning issues (but he is at age level in fine motor skills), some articulation issues and his sentence length and processing could improve.

He is doing amazing, but I feel it is a controlled recovery – he still has therapy, loads of supplements and we are considering doing another round of Hyperbaric Therapy.

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Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chamber

Portable Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Cerebral Palsy Therapy Hyperbaric Chambers