Heavy Metal Cleanse and Heart Disease Part 2






Chelation Therapy and Heart Disease

Heart Disease & Chelation Therapy

1)Do a stomach cleanse. Yes, a stomach cleanse as a one time deal, as most heavy metals are stored and stuck in your bowels. Most of them can be done in a week to 3 weeks.

2)Every other day excluding breaks: Stirring/Supporting

Take amino acids sub lingually. Make sure it melts, let it sit in your mouth like a mouth wash except you avoid your teeth when its too acid, and you swallow it in the end. Depending on the amino, it’s more or less acid. If your supplements come in caps, open them up and trash the gelatin container. If it’s in bulk, better as you need more than what they give you in caps to detox in a reasonable amount of time.
So try dipping your finger in it and taste it. If it’s too acid then dilute in water. You don’t want to get blisters or be too hard on your teeth.

Amino acids to stir Barium out of your cells.
If you get diarrhea or a squishy stomach, you took too much.
Remember that detox is a process, not an event.

I hear people say you start with lower doses and then increases. That’s wrong.
You start with lower dose, like 50 mg. Then the day after you take the same dose and so on for 3-4 days. See you might be fine with your 50 mg the first day and on the 4th day you might be all stomach sick because it’s a process, not an event.

So if you have been good for 4 days, you can take a break if you want, or go with 75mg for 4 days. If you get squishy stomach, then take a break and start again at 50 mg. That might be your limit. Otherwise keep incrementing the dose until you know how much you can take, it depends on the individual, his age, his/her level of toxicity, where he lives, what culture he/she is from and what zodiac sign and sensitivity he/she got.

3)2.5 hours later: Chelating/Bonding
Take EDTA to bond the freed Barium. Well same thing you put EDTA sub lingually. for the same reason as not above, so the stomach barrier and different acidity do not interfere with the absorbtion of the acidity of your thing.

4)2.5 hours later: Flushing/Supporting
Take Vitamin C to flush it out.
Watch that it’s not too late in the day, it would keep you awake.

5)Next day, Replenishing.
You take multivitamins. No stirring or chelation or bonding today.
Take multivitamin to rebuild your energetical resources.

Nauru, Yaren
Ireland, Dublin
Jamaica, Kingston
Libya, Tripoli
Lithgow, Australia
Nepal, Kathmandu
Syria, Damascus
Sweden, Stockholm
City of Botany Bay, Australia
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
