Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: The Art of War and Adult ADD/ADHD




Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

It is simple but it is a challenge. Getting the kids to school, paying the bills or cleaning the house. It is simple for the most of us but it is a challenge for those who have adult ADD/ADHD. But the challenge is not insurmountable, you can do something about it. You can lessen the impact. You just need to recognize your strengths and use them to your advantage. Like taking a lesson from Sun Tzu’s Art of War. You can convert those advantages so you can be better organized, interact with people more effectively and do work better.

Add more to your advantages by getting a hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy makes things easy because it takes less time, it last for less than an hour. It poses no danger because it requires no surgery. Then hyperbaric chambers can be bought or rent for personal use thus having the advantage of taking the therapy at home or at the office. Thus having the advantage of taking the therapy at your own time.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy brings a lot of advantages in battling adult AD/ADHD but there is more. You need to put some external structure in your life. You achieve this by planning a schedule, a routine and self-discipline. By doing this, by imposing more structure in your life you will give yourself more time to do the things you really love.

After external structures, then put some internal resources. This means that you need to bring order out of the chaos. Being strong-willed, being patient and coping stress in healthy ways will do this.

So be strong and maybe even read Sun Tzu’s Art of War. Good luck soldier!

With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, You Can Still Travel Even If You Have Crohn’s Disease




Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

So you are bored and itching for a trip. You want to travel, get some recreation, get some vacation. But you are having Crohn’s disease and you wonder if it is possible to travel even if you have the disease. Then listen to me, we are going to make it possible.

First of is you better get the hyperbaric oxygen therapy you need before the trip. You can even have it just hours before the trip because by having your personal hyperbaric chamber right at home you can have the therapy anytime at home. This is one of the conveniences that a personal hyperbaric chamber can give to you that a lot of other therapies can’t.

After having the therapy, you then must locate a doctor first in the area you will be visiting. Your own doctor can give you a referral or you can ask for help through organizations that will gladly help you. Also take plenty of medication for the duration of the trip. Prescribed medication should always be with during the travel, this can be done by putting it in a personal bag.

The prescribed medication should also be inside its original container and has a typed statement from the doctor regarding its details and dosage about the medication. The note or statement that goes along with the prescription medicine must also include foreign names especially when you are traveling to areas that speak a different language.

To summarize, get a hyperbaric oxygen therapy before the trip, locate a doctor on the area you are going to visit, and keep your prescribed medication close to you. Don’t forget the notes that comes along with it. Hope you have a happy trip. Good luck!