Getting To Know Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatments

Going Solo
Going Solo

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Brain Injury

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a painless procedure in which the patient is exposed to pressurized 100% oxygen that is pressurized to 1.5 to 3 times more than the normal atmospheric pressure. This process allows the patient to obtain a greater rate of oxygen absorption throughout the body and its tissues; thus, resulting in many therapeutic and healing effects.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a US FDA-approved treatment for 13 indications and, at present, is widely used in the USA, UK, and China. It is used to treat Cerebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injuries, anoxic brain injuries, head injuries, immune dysfunction, decompression sickness and other off-label indications.

Hyperbaric chambers usually measure over 34 inches in diameter and 105 inches long so that any child who is, for example, being treated for head injuries can be accompanied by their parents.

Inside the hyperbaric chamber, children with head injuries can have their parents read them a book, play cards, watch movies on a portable DVD or just sleep together. And it doesn’t hurt too, that the kid will find the experience pleasant enough to not dread a repeat session.

Hyperbaric chambers also come in single and double bag chamber varieties. Single bags are operated and can only be occupied by, you guessed it, just one person. Meanwhile, the double bag versions bag require two hands to operate solo especially if both hands are injured or disabled.

What is also good about it is that hyperbaric oxygen chambers are now available for sale and for rent. Thus, also erasing the need to travel for the treatment because you can have one for your own right in the comforts of your home.

So if you know anyone who has head injury, autism, or any of those conditions listed above, share this entry about hyperbaric oxygen treatment with them. After all, the advancement of Science and Technology has indeed afforded humanity with a wide range of health options and treatment alternatives. It would be such a shame to leave anything out.

Double Bag HBOT Chamber
There's Comfort in Twos