Preventing Crohn’s Disease Through Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Crohns Disease Damages The Digestive Tract
Crohn's Disease Damages The Digestive Tract

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

Crohn’s disease’s symptoms can hit hard and hit without warning. And before it gets you, it’s always better to know what Crohn’s disease is all about. Knowledge about the disease is the first way to prevent it.

For starters, Crohn’s disease is a form of chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes swelling or inflammation of the digestive tract or the gastrointestinal tract. As of now, there are some 500,000 people in the United States who have Crohn’s disease. The disease can happen at any age. However, records show that most people diagnosed with it are between the age of 15 and 35. Men and women are at equal risk to have the disease as well. Roughly twenty percent of people who have relatives with Crohn’s disease also have children or parents who have some form of Crohn’s disease.

The symptoms of Corhn’s disease may range from mild to severe and can vary widely from person to person. Some people experience periods when they have flare-ups that are followed by episodes of remission when the symptoms decrease or disappear. Some common symptoms include persistent diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, fever, and fatigue.

Some severe cases also report to have experienced rectal bleeding and loss of appetite. The disease also affects other ares such as the joints, eyes, skin, and liver.

Complications lead to an obstruction of the intestine due to swelling and formation of scar tissue. Potential complications also include the development of fissure, abscesses, and fistulas.

One way of preventing and curing Crohn’s disease is hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Here, a patient gets treatment in a hyperbaric chamber by inhaling 100% oxygen that is pressurized 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure.

What is also good about it is that hyperbaric chambers are now available through owning or renting one. So with this range in accessibility, you don’t really need to travel. You can have the treatment right inside the safety of your homes.

Have a healthy life everyone!

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