Yeast Infection – Causes and Important Concerns Part 2




Candida Yeast Infection

Symptoms Candida Infection

Yeast Infection Treatment Diet

Everything in the body is interrelated and the body has hormones, and when hormone levels are out of balance, yeast infections can be the result. Finding out why your hormones are going up or down is very important information that would be good to know. Yeast cells can be wiped out by the correct pH, which can be found in menstrual blood. If you are a woman who is on contraceptives, if you do not already have a yeast infection, you probably will soon. Also, some steroids will cause infections in some women because the basis for steroids is hormonal.

That is also why some steroid treatments may sometimes result in the formation of a yeast over-growth situation. If you can identify the cause of your yeast infection, you should not have any problems eliminating the symptoms and ridding yourself of this pesky condition. It’s really not that difficult. Sometimes you may have a situation where you have to take antibiotics. Ask your doctor if there is something you can do to lower your risk of getting a yeast infection while you take the antibiotics. If you have good eating habits and include a lot of whole, unprocessed foods in your diet, you will have a better chance of maintaining a healthy level of beneficial bacteria in your body.

Hungary, Budapest,
Spain, Madrid,
Moldova, Chisinau,
Honduras, Tegucigalpa,
Taiwan, Taipei,
Czech Rep, Prague,
Italy, Rome,
Russian Federation, Moscow City,
France Paris
Naperville Illinois USA

Female Yeast Infections: The Top 5 Causes Revealed Part 2




Candida Yeast Infection

Symptoms Candida Infection

Yeast Infection Treatment Diet

During intercourse, there is transfer of spores to the vaginal area of the female. It is an efficient transfer especially with the aid of the mucous present. The rapid multiplication of the bacteria will only be realized by the victims once it reaches the visible point of irritation.

The area outside the vagina is very sensitive especially in reference to the introduction of new products that are numerous and widely available in the market today. The example of condoms that have spermicidal lubricants can be given as causers of irritation or upsetting of the area outside of the vagina. Towels and pant used by ladies are also possible enhancers of attack. The bacterium that is charged with the responsibility of curbing infections is reduced to nothing by such products.

Yeast infection has been referred to as an opportunistic one. This is because it occurs mainly when the body of the victims is at its lowest with regards to the immune system. The immune system can be low due to sickness, tiredness, and being under some medication. Many women will get the fungus while at their lowest levels of depression. It is advisable to ensure that one is taking a balanced diet and vitamins that will boost the immune system.

Portugal, Lisbon,
Romania, Bucharest,
Laos, Vientiane,
Greece, Athens,
Slovenia, Ljubljana,
Sudan, Khartoum,
Italy, Rome,
Belarus Minsk
St. Petersburg Florida USA
Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby,

The Detox Drip with Glutathione: A New Approach to Healing From Chronic Illness Part 2




Glutathione Body Detoxification

Chemical Detoxification

Glutathione Detoxification

Similarly, Dr. Patricia Kane and Dr. Neil Speight believe they have developed an effective approach to chronic fatigue, lyme disease and neurological illnesses by detoxifying the body with intravenous glutathione and intravenous lipids. As they write in the Townsend newsletter, “GSH infusion by fast intravenous push has been a remarkable tool to unload the body burden of heavy metals and neurotoxins in both pediatric and adult patients.” In my own practice, I add glutathione as a “chaser” (at the very end of a detox drip, to help prevent any oxidation—since glutathione oxidizes easily when exposed to air or in the presence of certain minerals). I have given this to patients with multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, HIV, lyme disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, hepatitis C, or just garden variety stress and fatigue.

One hepatitis C patient’s liver values returned to normal and she resumed a full teaching schedule at her university after a series of detox drips. Another patient with chronic lyme disease finds that weekly detox drips with glutathione improve her neurological symptoms of buzzing, burning and fatigue. My own nurse uses glutathione in fighting off colds. Because oral glutathione is not well absorbed, I have also begun to experiment with nebulized glutathione, which patients can take at home between detox drips.

According to a study in Alternative Medicine Review in 2000, nebulized glutathione has had remarkable success in emphysema and other lung disorders such as asthma and bronchitis. It appears that inhalation may have a systemic effect. Some patients are having even greater success with this combination. Michelle Alpert can be reached by emailing her at or calling her office at 212-675-9343. Where to get glutathione: Preservative-free intravenous glutathione is available from Wellness Pharmacy in Alabama, (800) 880-5882. Wellness Pharmacy also offers glutathione in nasal sprays and oral formulations.

For those who do not have access to treatment with intravenous glutathione, whey protein has been found to increase cellular glutathione. Sublingual glutathione is available, and although there are no solid studies proving its effectiveness, it may be helpful. Nebulized glutathione can be used at home under your doctor’s guidance. Key Pharmacy (800-878-1322) can provide glutathione in this form, along with a nebulizer, both by prescription.

Georgia Tbilisi
Israel Jerusalem
Tucson Arizona USA
Slovenia Ljubljana
Norway Oslo
Cameroon Yaounde
Suriname Paramaribo
Finland Helsinki
Holland Amsterdam
Canning Victoria Australia

Liver Detoxification & Glutathione Part 1




Glutathione Body Detoxification

Chemical Detoxification

Glutathione Detoxification

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body when it comes to detoxifying of toxic substances, especially from the gut. By a complex series of enzymatic reactions, the liver is able to detoxify many harmful substances. Most of the detoxification process involves converting fat soluble toxins into water soluble substances that can be excreted in the urine or the bile.

Many of the toxic chemicals that enter the body are fat-soluble, this makes them difficult for the body to excrete. Fat soluble chemicals have a high affinity for fat tissues and cell membranes. In these fatty tissues of the body, toxins may be stored for years, being released during times of exercise, stress or fasting. During the release of these toxins, several symptoms such as headaches, poor memory, stomach pain, nausea, fatigue, dizziness and palpitations can occur.

Proper functioning of the liver’s detoxification systems is especially important for the prevention of cancer. Up to 90% of all cancers are thought to be due to the effects of environmental carcinogens, such as those in cigarette smoke, food, water, and air, combined with deficiencies of the nutrients the body needs for proper functioning of the detoxification and immune systems.

The liver plays several roles in detoxification: it filters the blood to remove large toxins, synthesizes and secretes bile full of cholesterol and other fat-soluble toxins, and enzymatically disassembles unwanted chemicals. This enzymatic process usually occurs in two steps referred to as phase I and phase II. Phase I either directly neutralizes a toxin, or modifies the toxic chemical to form activated intermediates which are then neutralized by one of more of the several phase II enzyme systems.

When metabolic processes are normal, the production of a wide range of chemicals and hormones is consistent, the liver has no problem to neutralize them efficiently. However, when metabolic processes go awry as it is typically as a result of nutritional deficiencies, the level and type of internally produced toxins increases greatly. These non-end-product metabolites have become a serious problem in this age of conventionally grown crops, fast foods and poor diets.

Ecuador Quito
Moldova Chisinau
Mauritania Nouakchott
Barbados Bridgetown
Jamaica Kingston
Albania Tirane
Springfield Missouri USA,
City of Maitland Australia
Mongolia Ulan Bator
Hungary Budapest

The Glutathione Body Detoxification Part 1




Glutathione Body Detoxification

Chemical Detoxification

Glutathione Detoxification

Daily we are attacked by enemy insurgents. The intercellular glutathione body detoxification is one of the body’s most important defense systems. Unfortunately few even know of it.

Scientific studies have shown that glutathione (GSH) has multiple detoxification functions. Depletion of glutathione is associated with increased risk of chemical toxicity.
What are Toxins is a brief look at the definition. Also, what are toxicants?

We also know that glutathione can be depleted from doing its job, from some medications and agents, and lack of intake of the essential building blocks and co-factors.

Age, race, gender and diet are all factors in the GSH levels in the body.

Currently Tylenol toxicity is treated by boosting glutathione levels in the body with the drug NAC. Scientist now believe that boosting glutathione levels will also be the treatment of choice for detoxifying carbon monoxide poisoning, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform and other types of poisonous compounds, chemicals and gasses.

First and Foremost
The most important health and wellness self promotion step we can take is avoidance of those things that are harmful to the body.
This includes cigarette smoke, tobacco products, house hold cleaners and detergents, dry-cleaned clothes, new carpeting, some plastic food containers, and furniture to name a few within our homes. Outside would include pesticides and fertilizers for our flowers and grass, smog, parking garage and even the corner of a busy street. The stopping of cars releases high amounts of asbestos in the air which you breathe.

It only gets worse in the office. There are copier fluids and other chemicals in the furniture and carpeting to name a few.
The reality is impossible in the world we live and spend every day. This means to have optimal health we need to employ other means of protection.

How does Glutathione body detoxification protect us from the various toxins?
There is no simple answer.

Burundi Bujumbura
Brazil Brasilia
Pakistan Islamabad
Algeria Algiers
Maldives Male
Greece Athens
France Paris
Rockhampton Queensland Australia
Russia Moscow
Naperville Illinois USA

Arthritis Natural Remedies Part 3




Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Quercetin is also known to help reduce inflammation, while Type II Collagen plays a role in growth and repair of joints, articular cartilage and connective tissue.

Because of the risk in overdosing, one should be discouraged from taking doses of vitamins that are higher than recommended without a physician’s direction.

Some vitamins and minerals can actually worsen certain conditions, and the concentration that can be attained through vitamins can be dangerous. It is always better to increase in vitamin or mineral intake through your normal diet.
Foods To Avoid

There are many factors to consider with regards to arthritic diets and nutritional healing, and each factor may not apply to each individual.

For example, certain people are allergic to specific foods, and these allergies can indeed worsen arthritic conditions. The best way to approach the situation is to examine each arthritic condition and tailor one’s approach based upon the specifics.

Ingesting foods that contain sodium nitrate or tartrazine can inflame rheumatoid arthritis, while ingesting foods containing a substance called hydrazine can contribute to an arthritic condition connected to lupus.

Black walnuts can cause flare-ups in people a rare type of arthritis called Behcet’s Disease.

With osteoarthritis, deterioration of cartilage is a concern. Since there is some evidence that Vitamin A, contributes to cartilage deterioration, those with osteoarthritis should avoid large doses of it.

Although clinical proof is not available, anecdotal evidence suggests that in the case of fibromyalgia, eliminating wheat, dairy, citrus, sugar, aspartame (Nutrasweet), alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco can provide relief.

Many nutritionists and naturopaths suggest that those suffering with rheumatoid arthritis avoid dairy products all together, as they seem to exacerbate rheumatoid arthritis flare-ups.

The report “”I Cured My Arthritis You Can Too”” suggests that white flour aggravates arthritis symptoms.


Many natural remedies and supplements have been found to actually reduce cartilage deterioration and even rebuild a patient’s lost cartilage. However, before adding any to your daily routine, check with your healthcare advisor, as supplements can cause adverse reactions and may not be right for your situation. So use caution.

The most popular dietary supplements for arthritis sufferers are chondroitin, fish oil and glucosamine.

Chondroitin can draw fluid into the cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability and weight control, as more weight equals more joint pressure.

Fish oils are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that play a role in controlling inflammation in the body.

Recent studies have shown that the cartilage-building substance called glucosamine is effective for the long-term relief of osteoarthritis pain. In some people, glucosamine appears to even slow the deterioration of joints over time and reinforce joint cartilage. Whether or not it can actually reverse the disease is still unclear.

In some instances, glucosamine can be used in conjunction with MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) , a substance that appears to slow down the degeneration but is not yet proven and approved.

Read also: Discovering MSM

In a nutshell:

Chondroitin – Helps draw fluid into cartilage, improving shock-absorbing ability.
Ginger – Antioxidant that acts as an inflammatory.
Glucosamine sulfate – Builds cartilage with very few side effects.
Magnets – Reported by some to be effective pain relievers
MSM – Organic sulfur used in reducing inflammation.
Nettle leaf – Can reduce a patient’s need for NSAIDS by up to 70 percent.
Vitamin E – Antioxidant is used primarily for osteoarthritis.
Vitamin B – Effective pain reliever. Works best on the knee.

Nothing can cure osteoarthritis, but nutritional supplements, the application of heat or cold to affected joints, exercise, and weight loss can improve the function and flexibility of your joints, and perhaps even slow the progress of the disease.

Exercise can be very beneficial for arthritis sufferers. Exercise relieves stiffness in joints, strengthens muscles, reduced stress on joints, keeps bone and cartilage tissue strong and healthy, and increases flexibility.

Most doctors recommend exercise for arthritis patients. A recommended 30-minute minimum of daily activity is the norm. Speak to your physician to rule out unseen risks before starting any exercise program.

Yoga is also recommended for arthritis patients as it is helps to achieve flexibility and reduce mental and physical stress. Yoga has helped arthritic patients with improving confidence, mood, self-awareness, range of motion, relaxation, blood circulation, concentration, stress and pain reduction, health of bones, tendons, muscles and joint ligaments.

Whatever exercise program you choose, be sure to breathe properly when exercising. Oxygenation is important to any exercise regimen as it promotes a healthy heart rate, reduces fatigue and promotes circulation.

Listen to your body and look for signs of increased swelling of joints or any persistent increase of weakness; these are signs of activities that are too strenuous and a reduction in activity will be necessary.

There are three main types of exercises to include in a basic exercise program:

Range-of-motion exercises
Strengthening exercises
Endurance exercises

Estonia, Tallinn
Chandler, Arizona
Italy, Rome,
Carrollton Texas USA
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Omaha, Nebraska
Albania, Tirana,
St. Louis, Missouri
South Bend, Indiana
Ethiopia, Addis Ababa

Arthritis Natural Remedies Part 1




Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metal Cleanse


Arthritis is a big issue. Look at some introductory facts.

Referred to as the nation’s number one crippling disease and the most common chronic disease in people over 40, arthritis affects more than 40 million Americans. And this figure is expected to rise to 60 million by 2020, according to the Center for Disease Control.

Arthritis generally afflicts people between the ages of 20 and 50, but can affect all ages, even infants. The average age of onset is 47 and about three out of every five people with arthritis are under 65 years of age.

Doctors believe there are over 100 different forms of arthritis, all sharing one main characteristic: all forms cause joint inflammation.

What can be done for arthritis relief? A lot!

For example, weight and nutrition are only a couple of factors that play a role in arthritic pain. And yet shedding even 10 pounds to relieve weight from knees and finding the right nutritional strategy can help relieve pain a lot.

This report covers the most recent research and findings available so that you can learn more about arthritis relief, covering as many bases as possible from A to Z.

Note that the contents here are not presented from a medical practitioner, and that any and all health care planning should be made under the guidance of your own medical and health practitioners. The content within only presents an overview of arthritis relief research for educational purposes and does not replace medical advice from a professional physician.


Arthritis actually means “”joint inflammation”” and has over 100 related conditions or type / forms of disease. Left untreated, it can advance, resulting in joint damage that cannot be undone or reversed. So early detection and treatment are important.

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Although both have similar symptoms, both happen for different reasons. When joints are overused and misused, the results can be OA.

What happens is that the cushioning cartilage that protects the joint breaks down, resulting in the bones rubbing together. This generally happens in the knees, but can be found in the hips, spine and hands often, too. And only in later stages will a person most often feel pain, after quite a bit of cartilage is lost.

The second type, RA, refers to the body’s immune system attacking joint tissue. Still not fully understood in the medical community, this condition most often starts in a person’s hands, wrists and feet. Then it advances to shoulders, elbows and hips.

Similar symptoms include pain, stiffness, fatigue, weakness, slight fever and inflamed tissue lumps under the skin. And both OA and RA generally develop symmetrically, i.e. affecting the same joints on both the left and right sides of the body.

Germany, Berlin,
Austria, Vienna,
Jamaica, Kingston
Hollywood, Florida
Slovenia, Lujblijana,
Belize Belmopan
Elizabeth, New Jersey
Queanbeyan, Australia,
Lebanon, Beirut
Grand Rapids Michigan USA

Avoiding Heavy Metal Poisoning Part 3




Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metal Cleanse

People who are working in industrial factories and other workplaces where the products made are composed of heavy metals are at a higher risk for metallosis but there are preventive measures used to avoid this. The establishment managing the industrial workers are entitled to provide them with protective masks, specially-made suits, thick and impenetrable gloves, boots, and thick-glass goggles to prevent frequent unwanted contact to heavy metals employed in their line of work. For emergency cases, the vicinity must have respirators, emergency equipment, and medications or substances used to detoxify the afflicted individual’s system.

Some of the complications seen in metallosis (another term used for heavy metal toxicity), are brain fogging; persistent pain of one or more of the following body parts: the muscles, soft tissues, tendons, and/or joints; problems associated with the gastrointestinal system such as diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and nausea; unusual changes in the mood and affect; recurrent infections; headaches; dizziness; and problems in the nervous system. Mercury, lead, aluminum, antimony, arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, silver, zinc and tin are the heavy metals known to cause metallosis in many people.

Detoxification is needed when there is heavy metal toxicity because this is a serious condition which could lead to death. Bring the patient to the emergency unit of the nearest hospital in order to apprehend complications from toxic levels of heavy metals. For initial heavy metal poisoning managements, you can the consult poison control lines.

Lithuania, Villinus,
Lexington, Kentucky
Pembroke Pines, Florida
Taiwan, Taipei
Parramatta, Australia,
Rochester, Minnesota
France, Paris,
Montgomery, Alabama
Belarus Minsk
Mobile Alabama USA

Detoxifying Toxic Heavy Metals from the Body Part 3




Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metal Cleanse

The body requires a variety of vitamins and minerals to keep balanced, and like everything, too much of anything can be toxic. This includes metals.

Certain metals such as cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, strontium, and zinc – are essential to health in trace amounts. Others are non-essential and can be harmful to health in excessive amounts. These include cadmium, antimony, chromium, mercury, lead, and arsenic – these last three being the most common in cases of heavy metal toxicity.
The wrong heavy metals that can build up in our body can come from our environment,
water supply, hobbies, and other places, thus a full history of the person’s work and living habits can help pinpoint potential heavy metal sources.

What are the signs or symptoms of heavy metal toxicity? Symptoms of heavy metal toxicity include mental confusion, pain in muscles and joints, headaches, short-term memory loss, gastrointestinal upsets, food intolerances/allergies, vision problems, chronic fatigue, and others. The symptoms are so vague that it is difficult to diagnose based on symptoms alone.

The top three most toxic metals and their symptoms are:
Symptoms include nausea or vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, garlic odor on breath, excessive salivation, headache, vertigo, fatigue, paresthesia, paralysis, kidney failure, progressive blindness, and mental impairment. Signs include mottled brown skin, hyperkeratosis (increased pigmentation) of palms and soles, cutis edema, transverse striate Leukonychia, perforation of nasal septum, eyelid edema, coryza, limb paralysis and reduced deep tendon reflexes. Mental symptoms include apathy, dementia, and anorexia.

Signs and Symptoms include combinations of gastrointestinal complaints, hypertension, fatigue, hemolytic anemia, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, weight loss, peripheral neuropathy, cognitive dysfunction, arthralgias, headache, weakness, convulsions, irritability, impotence, loss of libido, depression, depression of thyroid and adrenal function, chronic renal failure, gout. A patient with lead poisoning may have a combination of symptoms – or no symptoms at all until the condition has progressed. Mental symptoms include restlessness, insomnia, irritability, confusion, excitement, anxiety, delusions, and disturbing dreams.

The following is a list of nutrients that also help facilitate the removal of heavy metals.
Mega H-: The negative hydride ions in Mega H- alter the water consumed with the food and supplements in our diet, to have a lower surface tension and an increased conductivity.

Methionine: Methionine levels are a major determinant in the liver’s concentration of sulphur-containing compounds, such as glutathione and cysteine. As methionine is the precursor for the manufacture of cysteine in the body, extra supplementation of this critical amino acid should increase available cysteine.

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC): NAC forms L-cysteine, cystine, L-methionine, glutathione (GSH), and mixed di-sulfides. Stimulates the body to produce large amounts of cysteine and glutathione, thus greatly augmenting plasma and red blood cell content of both cysteine and glutathione; Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM): MSM, like fresh garlic, provides a bioavailable dietary source of sulfur.
Milk Thistle (silymarin): Silymarin provides support and protection against liver toxins which can cause free-radical-mediated oxidative damage.

France Paris
Boise, Idaho
Albania, Tirana
Columbia, Missouri
Fremont, California
Uruguay, Montevideo
Iceland, Rekyavik
Beaumont Texas USA
Tamworth, Australia,
Dhadna, United Arab Emirates, Dhadna, UAE

Heavy Metal Detox Part 2




Heavy Metal Detox Part 1

Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metal Cleanse


Mercury toxicity has been linked to, among other things, mercury dental fillings, particularly when people have a large number of them. Symptoms include a metallic taste in the mouth, excess salivation, gingivitis, tremors, stomach and kidney troubles. Mental symptoms include shyness, irritability, apathy and depression, psychosis, mental deterioration, and anorexia.

If you think you have metals in your body, there are labs that can test you. The easiest screening process is a Hair Analysis. Additional testing involves the use of chelating drugs along with a 24-hour urine collection to determine levels of heavy metals. From here, treatment is based on the individual and will usually involve the use of metal chelating drugs or intravenous EDTA chelation.

For many patients, intravenous Vitamin C and replacement mineral infusions are also recommended to support the body through the metal removal process. Once laboratory tests indicate that the heavy metals are undetectable, treatment is considered complete. Often many – if not all – symptoms previously experienced will have resolved, though some may linger, indicating residual damage to organ systems. Therapies can then be targeted to these systems and any specific problems remaining.

Latvia, Riga,
Serbia, Belgrade,
Ghana, Accra
Wanneroo, Victoria
Joliet, Illinois
Norfolk, Virginia
Aurora, Colorado
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Penrith, Australia,
Modesto California USA