Limit-Setting Sleep Disorder Treatable Through Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment


Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

Insomnia is not a disorder. It is a symptom. Insomnia is about the difficulty in starting or maintaining sleep. It is a term that is often used to indicate any and all of the stages and types of sleep loss. Again, to clarify things it is not a disorder but a symptom. So if you have got insomnia or know someone who has, it is time to learn more about this symptom.

Insomnia can be different kinds, two of them are Psychophysiological Insomnia and Childhood Insomnia. Phychophysiological Insomnia is described as a disorder of somatized tensions and learned sleep-preventing associations that lead in a complaint of insomnia and associated decreased functioning during wakefulness. While Childhood Insomnia or Limit-Setting Sleep Disorder is primarily a childhood disorder that is characterized by a caretaker enforcing someone to sleep but the insomiac stalls or refuses to go to bed at the appropriate time.

One of the new remedies in treating insomnia is the alternative medication called Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a treatment involving the insomniac to breathe pure oxygen inside a sealed hyperbaric chamber.The oxygen is pressurized more that 2 times the normal atmospheric pressure to speed up the intake of oxygen. Treatment sessions only need to take less than hour and what is also great about it is that hyperbaric chambers can be bought or rent making the treatment very accessible.

Single and double hyperbaric chambers are very much available. With you own hyperbaric chamber you can have the treatment right at the safety of your own home at get the treatment any time you want. You also don’t need to travel to get treated. So it really indeed is very accessible.

So if you got insomnia. Then you better get your own hyperbaric chamber. Chow!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Comsetic Surgery