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Heavy Metals & How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox

Medicardium | Safely Cleanse Heavy Metals Like Mercury | Lead | Aluminum |
Arsenic |  Cadmium | Uranium and Nickel from the Body With Chelation Therapy


Natural Chelation Detox

EDTA Chelation Therapy

Heavy Metal Detox Supplements

If you have toxic heavy metals in your body, you need to get them out as soon as possible, and oral EDTA may be the solution for you! If you don’t take care of this problem, you could end up with cardiovascular disease and other life-threatening modern-day diseases.

These modern-day illnesses have been linked to an overload of toxic heavy metals in the body:

Joint pain
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease
Bone Pain
Memory Loss
Nervous System Imbalances
Memory Problems
A weakened immune system

Fortunately, you don’t need a surgeon to remove toxic heavy metal ions from your body. It can be as simple as taking oral EDTA.

No matter how careful you are about eating organic foods and drinking purified water, unless you live in a glass bubble, it’s impossible to avoid environmental pollutants and toxins. And as toxic heavy metals and other pollutants from the environment build up in your body’s cells and tissues over time, these toxins can cause clinically significant damage, at best, and result in disability and death, at worst! However, you need not suffer these negative effects … read on to see how oral EDTA just might help.

Now, recent evidence suggests that long-term exposure to low levels of lead may also be a factor in cardiovascular disease!
Toxic heavy metal exposure also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. When lead or other heavy metals enter the endothelial cells that line the interior of blood vessels, they interfere with the ability of these cells to produce the extremely important messenger molecule, nitric oxide (NO). Release of NO tells blood vessels when to relax and to expand, a primary mechanism in the control of blood pressure. Interference with this function by lead can result in hypertension (high blood pressure). It has also been linked to high cholesterol levels, atherosclerosis, diabetes, thrombus (blood clot) formation, and heart failure. Which is why it’s imperative to reduce our exposure to toxic heavy metals … and remove what’s already in our bodies, with oral EDTA as soon as possible!

Reducing toxic heavy metal exposure

Efforts to reduce toxic heavy metal exposure have traditionally focused on controlling emissions, and in some cases have resulted in significant reductions. For example, lead and zinc emissions have declined substantially since the 1970s.

That’s the good news. The bad news is that we’ve still got a long way to go before the environment is as clean as it was prior to the Industrial Revolution. 1 Leaded gasoline has been banned in the USA since 1995 and is being slowly phased out throughout the world. However, the environmental and health consequences will remain for decades.

Toxic heavy metal pollution continues to proliferate

In some ways, toxic heavy metal pollution is actually increasing. Electronic waste from discarded computers and other hardware, is a main source of lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium found in landfills and incinerators. In fact, cathode-ray tubes from conventional monitors typically contain four to eight pounds of lead each!

In addition, toxic heavy metals in fertilizers wash into local waterways and ground water. In one survey of 29 fertilizers purchased in 12 different states, 22 toxic metals, including lead and arsenic were found. It’s no wonder that the state of Iowa an enormous user of chemical fertilizers has one of the worlds’ highest cancer rates!

It’s a small world

Without a massive global effort, which is highly unlikely, excessive exposure is almost guaranteed. Toxic heavy metal contamination carried by wind and water spreads all over the globe. Storms as far away as China and Africa can spawn dust clouds capable of dumping toxic heavy metals, along with bacteria, fungi, and other pollutants, onto North America. Living on an organic farm in the middle of nowhere is no guarantee of safety. The only really safe place to hide is in a bubble. It’s a small world, after all. Removing Heavy Metals

Does this mean we’re all doomed? Not at all, but reducing the toxic heavy metal load in our bodies to “safe” levels requires a lot more than just getting the lead out of paint and gasoline. Humans have evolved physiologic defenses against many toxic substances. If all we had to worry about was background levels of toxins spewed out by volcanoes and forest fires, most bodies could handle the load. Given the reality of environmental pollution, though, minimizing the risks of toxic heavy metals means boosting the body’s ability to flush the poisons out of the system. This is where oral EDTA comes in.

How much poison is all right to have in your blood?

“Safe” levels are determined as much by political, bureaucratic, and commercial interests as by proven medical and scientific facts. Whose estimate would you rather trust? The FDA’s? The chemical industry’s? Or medical scientists’? According to the FDA, the cutoff level for lead in the human body is 10 µg/dL. Anything above this is considered dangerous. Although everyone acknowledges that there is no threshold for the toxic effects of lead – any amount is toxic – it is still “tolerable” (according to the FDA) for children under age 6 to be ingesting as much as 6 µg of lead per day. The “tolerable” levels for pregnant women and other adults are 25 µg and 75 µg daily, respectively.

The only thing everyone seems to agree on is this: If you have any amount of certain toxic heavy metal ions in your body, you need to get them out. And oral EDTA may be the best answer.

Flush toxic heavy metals out before they do harm with oral EDTA!
While we probably can’t totally prevent toxic heavy metals from invading our bodies, we can take important steps to flush them out before they have a chance to do any harm. The body has natural ways of protecting itself from toxic heavy metals, but they are limited, and they work only so long as intake does not exceed the outflow. Fortunately, it’s possible to enhance the efflux of excess toxic heavy metal ions by employing oral EDTA in a widely accepted process known as chelation.

What is a chelator?

Chelators are molecules that have a particular affinity for toxic heavy metals. When taken into the body, they latch onto any metal ions they encounter in the blood stream and then carry them out of the body in the urine and feces.

The most commonly used chelator is the synthetic amino acid ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). Intravenous (IV) administration of EDTA remains a safe and effective FDA-approved treatment for acute toxic heavy metal poisoning, but it is impractical for everyday use. Who wants to spend hours hooked up to an IV drip?

Oral EDTA therapy is safe, inexpensive and convenient

On the other hand, oral EDTA - simply swallowing a few EDTA-containing capsules along with the rest of our nutritional supplements is coming to be recognized, not just as an alternative to IV chelation, but also as a measure that may be indispensable for optimal survival in a world in which toxic heavy metal pollution is a fact of life.

EDTA first came to the attention of researchers following World War II. At that time, lead poisoning was common among men with high exposure to lead, such as those working in battery factories or painting ships with lead-based paint. Oral EDTA was found to be extremely safe and effective for removing the lead from the men’s bodies, but the authorities at the time believed that this “simple” solution to the problem would just encourage factory owners to treat men with oral EDTA and not clean up the environment. Thus, the more involved procedure of IV EDTA chelation was deemed the “approved” treatment, and the efficacy and safety of oral EDTA was largely forgotten. Get Chelation Treatments With EDTA

Studies show that EDTA is beneficial to cardiovascular disease

While treating people for toxic heavy metal poisoning, some physicians noticed an unexpected finding: many of the men with heart disease were getting better. It was not until 1956 that a small but systematic study of EDTA in 20 people with confirmed atherosclerosis was published.2 After a series of 30 IV EDTA treatments, 19 of the patients showed improvement. Another study published in 1960 confirmed these results, showing significant decreases in the severity and frequency of attacks of angina pectoris, a symptom of coronary atherosclerosis, a decline in the use of nitroglycerin (the drug used to treat angina), increased ability to work, and improved electrocardiographic (ECG) findings.3

The mechanisms by which EDTA accomplishes its therapeutic benefits are multifactorial and still under active investigation.

According to Dr. Garry Gordon, who is generally recognized as the “father of EDTA chelation,” rationally developed oral EDTA formulations may be just as beneficial as IV chelation for preventing heart attacks and strokes, but they may work by a slightly different route. It is clear that oral EDTA improves blood flow, and it may also reduce blood vessel stiffness. Dr. Gordon believes that oral EDTA’s ability to lower lead levels may be a key factor, not only for reducing the well-known dangers of lead poisoning, but also for minimizing the risks of cardiovascular disease and cancer.4 By removing lead from vascular endothelial cells, EDTA permits these cells to function normally, producing optimal amount of NO, which is vital to the normal activity of the vascular system.

Unfortunately, toxic heavy metal pollution is a fact of life. We can only limit our exposure to these poisons so much. If we are going to protect ourselves, the best way is to help our bodies rid themselves of the toxic heavy metal molecules before they have a chance to do any harm. Given the proven damage linked to long-term toxic heavy metal exposure, and given the safety and efficacy of oral EDTA chelation, it is not unreasonable to ask, Can You Afford To Not Be Taking Oral EDTA?

The answer of course is no. You should be taking oral EDTA everyday to protect yourself and your health from toxic heavy metals.

Oral EDTA products like are truly the key to surviving toxic heavy metals.

Be on the alert for toxic heavy metals

Lead - is most toxic to the brain, kidneys, reproductive system, and cardiovascular system. Once in the body, lead can substitute for calcium in the bone and nervous system. It is especially hazardous to children, because their growing bodies crave large amounts of calcium. By taking up lead instead of calcium, these children wind up with lower IQs and increased risk of Attention Deficit Disorder, aggressive behavior, and delinquency. In adults, lead poisoning raises the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. Lead, which tends to accumulate in the skeleton over the course of a lifetime, can be released during menopause by the same mechanisms that release calcium, leading not only to osteoporosis, but also to lead poisoning. Very low levels of lead exposure have been shown to impair the normal functioning of the immune system, thus making the body more vulnerable to infection.

Mercury - is still present in amalgam in dental fillings and is used as a preservative in certain medications. Exposure may also result from industrial processes or from breathing in air contaminated with vapors from metallic mercury spills. Mercury pollution from industrial waste tends to accumulate in certain predatory fish, such as swordfish and tuna. While individual fish usually do not contain toxic levels, eating these fish can contribute to the accumulation in our own bodies. The National Academy of Sciences recently reported that about 60,000 newborns a year might be at risk of neurologic damage because of mercury their mothers absorbed during pregnancy as a result of eating fish. Also, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently said that about 8 percent of US women of childbearing age have enough mercury in their blood to be at risk. Those who eat three or more servings of fish a week had the highest levels. Source

Cadmium - is toxic to virtually all living organisms. It accumulates primarily in the kidneys and liver, where it substitutes for zinc and interferes with zinc’s normal functions. Widespread environmental cadmium contamination is a recent phenomenon, coming from sources such as cigarette smoke, coal burning, water pipes, electronic equipment and other sources.







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