Molds, Chemicals, Bacteria, Fungal Toxins Detoxified from the Body Part 1



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Every day we are exposed to hundreds of toxic chemicals such as solvents, petrochemicals, toxic metals, pesticides and more. Glutathione is the body’s main detoxifier and is singularly responsible for dealing with these poisons.

Oral administration of glutathione doesn’t work as the digestive system breaks glutathione down into it’s amino acid building blocks. Xeneplex suppository glutathione overcomes this problem. Organic coffee is also added to stimulate the production of glutathione-s-transferase, the enzyme that is required to attach these toxins to the glutathione molecule.

Pesticides / Herbicides
Pesticides / Herbicides
Approximately 1 billion pounds of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides are applied each year in the United States, with usage doubling every 10 years. Less than 1% of these toxins applied ever find their way to the target pest. The rest goes into our food, water, air and soil. While organic food is better, it still as up to 50% the pesticide residue found on commercial food. Pesticides are carcinogens, mutagens and neurotoxins and can damage the immune system and the endocrine system. Glutathione can help detoxify pesticides.

Car Exhaust Cigarette Smoke
Car Exhaust Cigarette Smoke
There are nearly 600 million vehicles on the worlds roads poisoning our atmosphere. In some cities like Los Angeles and Mexico City, daily smog reports are given in the newspapers and radio stations letting people know how safe it is to go outside and breathe the air. Comparing photographs of the atmosphere over the last 20 years, meteorologists have been able to document a significant toxic darkening of our skies. A thick cloud of poisonous air has settled over the planet, and while it is worse in some areas than others, the atmospheric changes are evident from pole to pole. Add to this the fact that some of us breathe smoke directly into our lungs with cigarettes, and the problem is only compounded. Glutathione detoxifies these poisons.

While moderate alcohol consumption has some benefits, alcohol also has a dark side. In the process of metabolizing alcohol, the liver turns it into formaldehyde. This is the same toxic fluid that is used in high school biology classes to preserve frogs and fetal pigs for dissection and what is currently used to embalm people. Formaldehyde is extremely toxic to the body and the faster you detoxify it, the better. Glutathione detoxifies alcohol and formaldehyde.