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Prostate Cancer: An Insight Into Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Symptoms
Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer: An Insight Into Prostate Cancer; What Are The Causes; Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer, The Possible Treatments For This Cancer, Types Of Diagnosis Done And The Preventive Measures That Can Be Taken.

This article on prostate cancer touches up the hows and what’s of prostate cancer and how it can be prevented by taking some precautionary steps. Read the full article on prostate cancer to make you aware of the spreading cancerous disorder in most men today!

Prostate is a male reproductive gland and when it develops cancerous cells; it gets affected by prostate cancer. This article on prostate cancer will focus on the details about prostate cancer, what are the causes that lead to this dreadful disease, the various signs and symptoms exhibited by the patients suffering from prostate cancer. Besides these details, the article on prostate cancer will also explain the diagnosis options as well as measures on how to prevent the risk of getting affected by the destructive disease.

Prostate cancer is a disease affecting large number of male populations who are typically in their mid ages. Found at the base side of the urinary bladder and in front of the rectum, the prostate gland is an exocrine gland. It is about the size of a walnut. An exocrine gland is a gland in the human body which secretes outside the body.

This article on prostate cancer describes the functioning and structure of the prostate gland. A tube called urethra which carries semen and urine out of the body of a man, passes through the prostate gland. Thousands of other tiny glands near the prostate produce fluids that are a part of the male semen. This liquid produced by the prostate gland also protects the sperms in the semen.


Immune System


Production of PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)

PSA, a protein produced by the epithelial cells in the prostate gland is responsible to keep the male semen in liquid form. Its importance and role in detection of prostate cancer is further described in this article on prostate cancer.

Some PSA might also escape into the blood of the men. Hence the PSA levels in a man can be detected by a blood test. In case the PSA levels in a man are high, it is an alarming indication of prostate cancer or some kind of abnormal prostate condition.

The production of male hormones also affects the production of PSA in men. Hence the medications taken for affecting the hormones might also be responsible for affecting the PSA levels in men as explained in this article on prostate cancer.

In older men, sometimes there is abnormal growth in the prostate gland around the urethra. This might cause difficulty for those men in passing urine as the enlargement in prostate causes the urethra to collapse. This condition is often termed as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia. This article on prostate cancer does not cover the details about the above condition.



Causes of Prostate Cancer in Men

The probable causes that might cause prostate cancer in men are dealt in this article on prostate cancer. Family history, obesity and age often play a crucial role.

  • Genetic causes- family, race and specific genes might contribute to prostate cancer risks.

  • Dietary causes- in humans the dietary causes are tentative. Lower vitamin D might increase the risk for prostate cancer.

  • Medication- infection in the prostate gland with the sexually transmitted diseases might increase the risk for developing prostate cancer. Elevation in testosterone levels as well as obesity is significant contributors in the risk of the dreadful disease.

Immune System

How Prostate Cancer is Diagnosed?

Read this article on prostate cancer to make you aware about the diagnosis options for detecting prostate cancer.

  • Prostate Imaging: MRI and ultrasound are two basic methods adopted doe prostate imaging.

  • Biopsy: on suspicion of prostate cancer, a radiologist or an urologist will obtain tissue samples of the prostate via the rectum.

  • Gleason score: these are microscopic features obtained while examining tissue cells. A higher Gleason score will portray chances of prostate cancer.



Preventive Measures That Can Be Adopted For Reducing The Risk of Prostate Cancer

Continue reading this article on prostate cancer to know more about the preventive measures you can adopt to reduce the risk of prostate cancer.

  • Medication- the medicines that inhibit the conversion of testosterone into Dihydrotestosterone, also called 5 alpha reductase inhibitors can be useful in preventing prostate cancer. Such compounds are also found in beta sitosteral, which is an essential component of Endosterol.

  • Frequency of ejaculation- ejaculating at frequent times may also reduce the risk of getting diagnosed with prostate cancer.

  • Diet- maintaining a healthy weight and eating fruit rich diet avoiding processed or red meat may also reduce the risk. Fruits such as cranberries, peaches, raspberries as well as Endosterol are found to contain Ellagic acid which also reduces the risk of getting affected by prostate cancer.

Hence a regular consumption of Endosterol can prove helpful in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and also aid in limiting hair loss.

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