How To Eliminate Heavy Metals And Chemical Toxins Using Sauna Therapy Part 1




Heavy Metal Detoxification

Heavy Metal Toxins

Heavy Metal Cleanse

Usually when people feel sick or they are in a bad mood, they do not think about the fact that the accumulation of toxins and heavy metals in their bodies can make them feel this way. Heavy metals and chemical toxins are present in our seafood, amalgam dental fillings, water, etc. Cadmium, mercury, lead and aluminum are dangerous heavy metals that can seriously damage the functions of our internal organs and cause severe health disorders.

Researchers who have studied this aspect believe that regular far infrared sauna baths can help us detoxify our bodies and improve both our physical and mental health.

One of the most dangerous heavy metal that threatens our health is lead. The exposure to this heavy metal can cause nerve disorders, pains in the muscles and joints, irritability, concentration problems, memory loss, high blood pressure and fertility problems. There is also a close connection between lead and Alzheimer’s disease. The most susceptible to lead negative effects are kids who are less than six years old because their nervous system is not completely developed and lead exposure can cause stunted growth, impaired hearing, kidney damage, attention disorders and reduced IQ. Severe exposure can even cause death. Lead can be found in the water, some paint types, pesticides, hair dye, ink, automobile exhaust and canned food.

Another dangerous heavy metal is mercury, which is present in fabric softener, cosmetics, latex paint, vaccines, contact lens solution, tap water and latex paint. Researchers believe that even a very low mercury level can have harmful effects. Dr. Stephen Edelson and Deborah Mitchell agree that mercury can damage our neurons and the transmission of signals in the brain, thus affecting our nervous and immune systems. Alzheimer’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, depression, hyperactivity disorder, loss of memory, vision problems, chronic fatigue are also a result of mercury exposure.

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