Alternatives To Gallbladder Surgery; Problems With Gallbladder Removal Part 2





Gallbladder Flush

Gallbladder Flush Recipe

Gallstone Treatment

Alternative to gallbladder surgery
An alternative to surgery and gallstone removal by chemical dissolution is gallbladder flush. Traditional European folk remedy recommends the use of olive oil and lemon juice to flush the gallstones. A major concern is that if the stones are too big, they may not easily come out or may even get stuck on the way out. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends the use of “”Gold Coin Grass (GCG)”” (botanical name: Herba Lysimachiae, Chinese sound translation: Chin-chien Tsao) to crush and soften the stones so that they will come out slowly. This tends to take a relatively long time. However, centuries of experience has shown that Gold Coin Grass (GCG) can be taken safely without side effects. In most cases, alleviation of gallbladder pain is experienced within a few days of using Gold Coin Grass (GCG) in tincture form. This is a significant benefit. I have found from my own experience and that of many of my clients that a combination of the following steps to be the most effective and efficient.

Gallbladder cleansing and flushing procedures

Step 1: Use “”Gold Coin Grass (GCG)”” to crush and soften the gallstones.

“”Gold Coin Grass (GCG)”” in tincture form, using alcohol as a carrier, has been found to be more effective than tablet or tea form, presumably because alcohol as a solvent facilitates the assimilation of the herbs. It is recommended that one to two 250 ml bottles of Gold Coin Grass (GCG) tincture be used before attempting gallbladder flushing described below. One tablespoonful is taken every day; therefore each bottle should take 2 to 3 weeks to finish. Two bottles of Gold Coin Grass (GCG) may be necessary for individuals over the age of 50 or who have gallbladder problems for a long time.

For some people who are ex-heavy drinkers, a burning sensation may sometimes be experienced when using Gold Coin Grass (GCG) tincture but this does not seem to affect the efficacy of the herb. Because the amount of alcohol contained in a tablespoonful is very small, this should not present a problem even for ex-drinkers. Having problems sleeping or constipation is usually a sign of liver congestion. Coptis which stimulates bile flow and Curcuma which increases energy flow in the liver and gallbladder are recommended to be taken in conjunction with GCG to increase the efficiency of flushing. Alternatively, if gallbladder-related pain is not a concern, Chinese Bitters may be taken prior to GCG in order to decongest the liver.

Note: Chinese Bitters is used to cleanse and decongest the liver. It stimulates digestive juice production, so it is not recommended for anyone with acid reflux problems. However, GCG and Coptis are helpful for acid reflux, so acid reflux sufferers can take them until the problem
subsides, and then take Chinese Bitters again.

Step 2: Intestinal Cleansing

1. Soak 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of Bentonite clay in 1 cup of filtered water for 12 hours. Start soaking in the morning.
2. Then add ½ to 1 tablespoon of psyllium husks or plantago seeds to the clay mixture and mix well.
3. Drink and eat the whole cup of mixture immediately and then followed by 1 cup of warm water before bedtime.
4. Drink at least 8 cups of warm water a day including 2 cups first thing in the morning.
5. Repeat the procedure until the stool becomes normal (usually 1 to 2 weeks), when no more intestinal cloggings are coming out.

Please note that intestinal cleansing is not necessary if you have never had constipation problems.

Step 3: Gallbladder Flush

The following procedure is based on: Natural Liver Therapy by Christopher Hobbs, L. Ac.,
Botanica Press, Capitola, CA (1993).

1. Eat only whole foods (un-refined foods) without fat for a whole day.
2. About an hour before bedtime (on an empty stomach), drink ¼-cup of extra virgin cold pressed olive oil mixed with ¼-cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Repeat this process every 15 minutes
until a total of 1 cup each of olive oil and lemon juice is finished. An alternative to this procedure is to replace lemon juice with freshly-squeezed grapefruit juice. ½ cup of grapefruit juice can be used each time. A total of 1½ to 2 cups of grapefruit juice is required. It works well and tastes better than lemon juice.
3. Go to bed immediately and lie on your right side.
4. The next morning take 1 litre (approximately 4 cups) of warm distilled or filtered water containing two level teaspoons of un-iodized sea salt. Alternatively the addition of juice from half a lemon may be used in place of the sea salt.
5. Eat only softly cooked vegetables and broth the second day. The gallstones should come out some time during the second day.

The stones that c ome out are usually dark green or black in colour. They may also be brown, off-white, green or, rarely, red in colour. Stones crushed by Gold Coin Grass (GCG) may come out in any shape including flat pieces or sand.

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