The Most Common Causes Of Liver Diseases And Gallstones Part 3



Liver Disease Gallstones

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Disease Treatments

Eating Heavy Meals in the Evenings

A similar eating disorder occurs when the main meal of the day is consumed in the evening. Secretions of bile and digestive enzymes are drastically reduced later in the afternoon, and especially after 6PM. For that reason, a meal consisting of foods such as meat, chicken, fish, cheese, eggs, oily or oil-fried foods, etc. cannot be properly digested at those times. Instead, such a meal becomes a source of toxic waste deposits in the intestines.

Undigested foods are always a cause of congestion, first in the intestinal tract, and then in the lymph and blood. This greatly affects the quality of digestion during daytime meals. Gradually, the digestive power, which is determined by balanced secretions of hydrochloric acid, bile and digestive enzymes, becomes subdued, causing similar side effects as a result of overeating. Therefore, eating a large meal in the evening is a major contributing factor in the development of gallstones in the liver. Eating food before going to sleep also upsets the digestive functions, for similar reasons. Ideally, there should be at least three hours between eating and bedtime. The ideal time for evening meals is at around 6PM.

Excessive Protein Consumption

Excessive protein consumption leads to thickening and congestion of the basement membranes of the blood vessels (capillaries and arteries), including the liver sinusoids. Consequently, much of the serum cholesterol is hindered from leaving the blood stream at the sinusoids. Therefore, the liver cells assume that there must be a shortage of cholesterol in the body. This ‘shortage’ stimulates the liver cells to raise cholesterol production to abnormally high levels (some of the cholesterol is needed to shield off damaged areas in the walls of arteries). However, many of the membranes and openings of the sinusoids are congested with accumulated protein fiber (collagen). Since this prevents the sinusoids from absorbing the produced cholesterol, almost all of it is forced to leave the liver via the bile ducts. Hence bile, which excretes cholesterol into the small intestines, becomes too saturated with cholesterol. This causes the formation of small clumps of cholesterol crystals, mixed with bile components, in the liver bile ducts and gallbladder.

Interestingly, Asians generally have a low protein but fat-rich diet rarely, and rarely have cholesterol stones in their gallbladders. On the other hand, cholesterol stones in the gallbladder are very common among Americans whose diet is rich in flesh and milk protein.

Dietary fats play only a secondary, almost insignificant role in raising cholesterol levels in the blood. The liver cells produce most of the cholesterol the body requires on a daily basis for the normal metabolic processes. It is only when the basement membranes of the sinusoids are thickened through protein deposits that the liver raises cholesterol production to abnormal levels. Other factors that also generate excessive amounts of protein in the blood include stress, smoking and drinking alcohol or coffee. Once enough of these degenerate proteins are deposited in the blood vessel walls, the liver cells automatically raise cholesterol production. The side effect of this response is gallstone formation.

If you are not a vegetarian it is best to cut out meat, pork, eggs and cheese, and keep other types of animal protein to a minimum. Although all animal protein has a gallstone-generating effect, white meat, including chicken, turkey and rabbit, cause the least damage to the liver, provided they are of free-range origin and not eaten more often than once or twice a week. It is best to avoid fried and deepfried foods as they aggravate both the gallbladder and liver. Once your taste for meat or other animal protein begins to diminish, you can gradually switch to a balanced vegetarian or vegan diet.

Over 2/3 of the world’s population is vegan and has no access to animal protein. It shows no signs of such degenerative illnesses as heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, arthritis, etc. About 95% per cent of the body’s protein is recycled; the rest of it is manufactured by bacteria in the intestinal tract and/or supplied by plant foods. The common assumption that you need to eat protein-rich food on daily basis is not only misleading but also totally unscientific.Human breast milk is the most important and balanced food there is for a newborn child. However, in comparison with cow’s milk, it contains almost no protein, that is, just about 1.5%. Right from the beginning of life, the growing physiology is naturally prevented from receiving concentrated protein foods. It is, perhaps, for this reason that life-long vegans have the lowest incidence of gallstones, heart disease and cancer.

Natural Medicine for Gallbladder Disease Part 2



Liver Disease Gallstones

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Disease Treatments

Causes and Associated Factors:

The biggest associated risk factors with gallbladder disease are the ‘Five Fs’:

• Female
• Fair (skin and hair color)
• Forty-ish
• Fertile (gallbladder trouble is associated with high estrogens)
• Fat (obesity increases the risk of gallbladder disease)

Other contributing factors with gallbladder diseases include rapid weight loss, diabetes, pregnancy, liver disease and anemias that cause high levels of bilirubin. Also excessive alcohol intake, diet high in fats and especially fried foods or trans fats, sedentary lifestyle and family history.
Lab Testing (Conventional and Alternative):

Your doctor may order the following blood tests:

• Amylase and lipase – these will be elevated in acute gallbladder attacks, or in diseases of the pancreas
• Bilirubin – elevated levels may indicate blocked bile ducts
• CBC (complete blood count) – this may show high white blood cell counts if there is an infection
• Liver function tests – this will help to determine if your bile ducts are blocked or if your liver is having trouble making bile

Imaging tests that may be used to detect gallstones or inflammation are:

o Ultrasound (abdominal)
o Abdominal X-ray
o Oral cholecystogram (X-ray using a contrast medium that you take in pill form)
o Gallbladder radionucleotide scan
o Abdominal CT scan
Additional testing that may be helpful includes:
o Vitamin D blood test
o Blood lipid panel
o Hormone testing (blood or saliva)
o Spectracell nutritional blood test

Gallstones in the Liver: A Major Health Risk Part 2



Liver Disease Gallstones

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Disease Treatments

If you suffer any of the following symptoms, or similar conditions, you most likely have numerous gallstones in your liver and gallbladder:

* Low appetite
* Food cravings
* Digestive disorders
* Diarrhea
* Constipation
* Clay-colored stool
* Hernia
* Flatulence
* Hemorrhoids
* Dull pain on the right side
* Difficulty breathing
* Liver cirrhosis
* Hepatitis
* Most infections
* High cholesterol
* Pancreatitis
* Heart disease
* Brain disorders
* Duodenal ulcers
* Nausea and vomiting
* A “”bilious”” or angry personality
* Depression
* Impotence
* Other sexual problems
* Prostate diseases
* Urinary problems
* Hormonal imbalances
* Menstrual and menopausal disorders
* Problems with vision
* Puffy eyes
* Any skin disorder
* Liver spots, especially those on the back of the hands and facial area
* Dizziness and fainting spells
* Loss of muscle tone
* Excessive weight or wasting
* Strong shoulder and back pain
* Pain at the top of a shoulder blade and/or between the shoulder blades
* Dark color under the eyes
* Morbid complexion
* Tongue that is glossy or coated in white or yellow
* Scoliosis
* Gout
* Frozen shoulder
* Stiff neck
* Asthma
* Headaches and migraines
* Tooth and gum problems
* Yellowness of the eyes and skin
* Sciatica
* Numbness and paralysis of the legs
* Joint diseases
* Knee problems
* Osteoporosis
* Obesity
* Chronic fatigue
* Kidney diseases
* Cancer
* Multiple Sclerosis and fibromyalgia
* Alzheimer’s disease
* Cold extremities
* Excessive heat and perspiration in the upper part of the body
* Very greasy hair and hair loss
* Cuts or wounds that keep bleeding and don’t want to heal
* Difficulty sleeping, insomnia
* Nightmares
* Stiffness of joints and muscles
* Hot and cold flashes

The liver is the main organ responsible for distributing and maintaining the body’s “”fuel”” supply. Furthermore, its activities include the breaking down of complex chemicals and the synthesis of protein molecules. The liver acts as a cleansing and filtration device; it also deactivates hormones, alcohol, and medicinal drugs. Its task is to modify these biologically active substances so that they lose their potentially harmful effects a process known as detoxification. Specialized cells in the liver’s blood vessels (Kupffer cells) mop up harmful elements and infectious organisms reaching the liver from the gut. The liver excretes the waste materials resulting from these actions via its bile duct network.

Gallstones in the Liver: A Major Health Risk Part 1




Liver Disease Gallstones

Gallbladder Disease

Gallbladder Disease Treatments

(NaturalNews) Think of the liver as a large city with thousands of houses and streets. There are underground pipes for delivering water, oil, and gas. Sewage systems and garbage trucks remove the city’s waste products. Power lines deliver energy to the homes and businesses. Factories, transport systems, communication networks, and stores meet the daily requirements of the residents. The organization of city life is such that it can provide all that it needs for the continued existence of the population. But if a major strike, a power outage, a devastating earthquake, or a major act of terrorism, such as the one we witnessed in New York City on September 11, 2001, suddenly paralyzes city life, the population will begin to suffer serious shortcomings in all these vital sectors.

Like a city’s infrastructure, the liver has hundreds of different functions and is connected with every part of the body. Every moment of the day, it is involved in manufacturing, processing, and supplying vast amounts of nutrients. These nutrients feed the 60 to 100 trillion inhabitants (cells) of the body. Each cell is, in itself, a microscopic city of immense complexity, with billions of chemical reactions per second. To sustain the incredibly diverse activities of all the cells of the body without disruption, the liver must supply them with a constant stream of nutrients, enzymes, and hormones. With its intricate labyrinth of veins, ducts, and specialized cells, the liver needs to be completely unobstructed in order to maintain a problem-free production line and frictionless distribution system throughout the body.

Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention Part 5




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Prostate cancer early detection

Screening for prostate cancer is done to find evidence of cancer in otherwise healthy men. Two tests are commonly used to screen for prostate cancer: the PSA blood test and digital rectal examination (DRE, a test in which the doctor inserts a gloved lubricated finger into a man’s rectum and feels the surface of the prostate for any irregularities).

There is controversy about using the PSA test to look for prostate cancer in men with no symptoms of the disease. On one hand, the PSA test is useful for detecting early prostate cancer, which helps men get the treatment they need before the cancer spreads. On the other hand, PSA screening find conditions that are not cancer and slow-growing prostate cancers that would never threaten a man’s life. Because of this, screening for prostate cancer may mean that some men have surgery and other treatments that may not ever be needed. For this reason, many men and their doctors may consider active surveillance (see Treatment) of the cancer rather than immediate treatment.

Because biopsies and treatment have significant side effects, such as impotence (inability to get and maintain an erection) and incontinence (inability to control urine flow) treating it unnecessarily may seriously affect a man’s quality of life. However, it is not easy to predict which tumors will grow and spread quickly and which will grow slowly.

According to a provisional clinical opinion on PSA screening for men with no symptoms of prostate cancer, ASCO recommends that men expected to live 10 years or less should not have PSA screening and men expected to live longer than 10 years should talk with their doctors to find out if the test is appropriate for them. Every man should discuss his situation and risk of prostate cancer and work with his doctor to make a decision. To help with this discussion, ASCO provides a Decision Aid on prostate cancer screening.

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer Part 5




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Age: Age is definitely the most potent risk factor for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is rather exceptional prior to age of 40, though the possibility of having prostate cancer soars rapidly following age 50. Almost 2 in 3 prostate cancers are found in males much older than 65.

Genealogy: Prostate cancer appears to run in a few families, which suggests that sometimes there might be an inherited or genetic factor.

Race/ethnicity: Prostate cancer takes place more often in African-American men compared with men of different races. The explanations for these racial and ethnic differences are usually not clear.

Nationality: Prostate cancer is most frequent in North America, northwestern European Union and Australia. It’s less common in Asia and Africa. The causes for this are not obvious.

Nebraska, USA
Hungary, Budapest
Bhutan, Thimphu
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Macedonia, Skjope,
Gold Coast, Queensland,
St. Petersburg, Florida
Korea (North), Pyongyang,
City of Randwick, Australia
Al Jaddah, United Arab Emirates, Al Jaddah, UAE

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer Part 4




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Exercise: Exercise hasn’t been proven to minimize prostate cancer threat in many researches. However, many studies have found that high variety of exercise, particularly in elderly men, may lower the danger of advanced prostate cancer. Additional research in this area is needed.

Genes: Lately, some normal gene variations have been linked to the risk of prostate cancer. Research to confirm these results are needed to see if testing for the gene variants will be useful in forecasting prostate cancer risk. A few genetic structures increase the risk for more than one type of cancer. Mutations of selected genes may also increase prostate cancer risk in a few men; however they make up a very modest ratio of prostate cancer incidents.

Excessive weight: Most studies have not found that being obese (having large quantities of extra unwanted fat) is related with a greater risk of getting prostate cancer. The reason why for this are not clear. Studies have also found that obese men could be at greater risk for having more complex prostate cancer and of dying from prostate cancer.

Springfield, Illinois
New Jersey, USA
Sydney, Australia
Botswana, Gaborone
Yugoslavia, Belgrade,
Sweden, Stockholm
Ipswich, Queensland
Panama, Panama City
Melville Victoria Australia
Saint Kitts and Nevis, Basseterre

Prostate Cancer: Risk Factors and Prevention Part 3




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Diet. No study has proven that diet and nutrition can directly cause or prevent the development of prostate cancer, but many studies that look at links between certain behaviors and cancer suggest there may be a connection. There is not enough information yet to make clear recommendations about the role diet plays in prostate cancer, and dietary changes may need to be made many years earlier in a man’s life to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer. The following dietary information may be helpful:

A diet high in fat, especially animal fat, may increase prostate cancer risk. In fact, many doctors believe that a low-fat diet may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in addition to having other health benefits.

A diet high in vegetables, fruits, and legumes (beans and peas) may decrease risk of prostate cancer. It is unclear which nutrients are directly responsible. Lycopene, found in tomatoes and other vegetables, may slow or prevent cancer growth. In any case, such a diet does not cause harm and can lower a person’s blood pressure and risk of heart disease.

Selenium, an element that people get in very small amounts from food and water, and vitamin E have been tested to find out if either or both of these nutrients can lower the risk of prostate cancer. However, in a clinical trial (a research study involving people) of more than 35,000 men called the Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial (SELECT), researchers found that selenium and vitamin E supplements (pills), taken alone or together for an average of five years, did not prevent prostate cancer and may even cause harm in some men. Because of this risk, the National Cancer Institute has stopped the SELECT study. Men should talk with their doctor before taking selenium and vitamin E supplements to prevent prostate cancer.

Mildura, Victoria,
Morocco Rabat
Azerbaijan, Baku
Switzerland, Bern,
Guinea-Bissau, Bissau,
Belgium, Brussels
Suriname, Paramaribo,
Guyana, Georgetown
Massachusetts, USA
Murray Bridge, South Australia

Risk Factors For Prostate Cancer Part 3




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Understanding the risk factors of Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a sort of cancer which develops in the prostate, a human gland within the male reproductive system. The majority of prostate gland cancers are slow developing; even so, there can be conditions of extreme prostate cancers.

Though really don’t yet completely understand the factors that cause prostate cancer, scientific study has found numerous issues which will alter the risk of getting it. For most of the factors, the link to prostate cancer risk is not clear. Lots of people with at least one risk factor hardly ever get cancer, while some with this disease could have had no known risk factors.

You can find a great number of risk factors of prostate cancer and all of these are explained below:

Eating habits: The exact role of diet in prostate cancer isn’t grasped, even though several different factors are generally studied. Men or women who eat a lot of beef or high-fat dairy food appear to have a slightly higher chance of getting prostate cancer. Most of these guys also usually eat less fruits and vegetables. Health professionals are not sure which of the factors is mainly responsible for elevating the risk.

Saint Helena
Belarus, Minsk
Gainesville, Florida
Ireland, Dublin
Traralgon, Victoria
Chicago, Illinois
Slovenia, Ljubljana
United Kingdom, London
St. Kitts and Nevis, Basseterre

Prostate Cancer Can Be Treated And Prevented Part 2




Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Prostate Cancer Treatment

Prostate Cancer Risk Factor

Cancer detection

As noted above, prostate cancer has a slow clinical course without immediate and obvious manifestations. It is therefore very important, as 50 years old men go to the doctor once a year for a rectal examination. This can be done by any doctor, regardless of specialty. In addition to digital rectal examination, if cancer is suspected, a biopsy should be performed, and blood analysis, for the determination of a substance called prostate specific antigen (PSA). If there is family history, it is important that this examination be made starting at age of 40.

Calivita natural products for treatment and prevention of prostate cancer

– Shark cartilage extract, available as Shark Aid, is beneficial in benign and malignant tumors inhibition and has anti-inflammatory affect. It is particularly beneficial in preventing cancer of any kind.

– Extracts from plants and minerals from Pro-State Power composition are chosen specifically to make a natural treatment for prostate adenoma. It is a real help for men with BPH.

– Immunostimulating effect of Noni extract from Noni Caps supplement composition offers body resistance for various diseases and becomes a valuable natural treatment in various cancers, tumors and cancers.

– Omega 3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory effects, antioxidant, stimulating and anticancer. Help prevent many disease caused by daily stress or an weakened immune system and treat a variety of diseases such as depression, heart disease, cancer, cirrhosis, etc..

– Reverse osmosis water filter, Aquarion, produce ionized water, rich in oxygen and no toxins or heavy metals. Alkaline water has antioxidant properties, offering many benefits for the body, because the disease cannot be developed in an alkaline environment. Oxygen also prevents the formation of numerous diseases, including cancer.

UK, London
Korea, South
Bulgaria, Sofia
Syria, Damascus
Afghanistan, Kabul,
Jackson, Mississippi
Launceston, Tasmania
Torrance, California
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Al Ghabah, United Arab Emirates, Al Ghabah, UAE