Cleanse Your Lymphatic System And Blood For Better Health Part 1





Lymphatic System

Lymphatic Cleansing

Lymph Nodes

The lymphatic system and blood is involved collecting, transporting, and removing toxic materials from the body specifically the connective tissues. The lymphatic system contains lymph nodes where the toxins are delivered for the immune system to use and destroy invading organisms and chemicals. If the lymphatic system and blood is not cleansed properly, the immune system can be impaired, which leaves the body open to attach from invading organisms.

Lymph nodes are filled with a clear liquid called lymph. This fluid is comprised of proteins, waste, and other nutrients to feed cells and remove waste. This fluid surrounds every cell in the body and travels in the lymphatic vessels and or blood vessels and is vital for elimination of waste material. Lucky for us there are herbs that can be used to help cleanse both the lymphatic and blood system.

Red clover has been used for years as a lymphatic and blood cleanser. Traditionally, red clover has been used as a liver, nerve, and lung detox as well. Many herbalists recommend red clover when doing a whole body cleanse. Cleansing the blood is important because the blood transports oxygen and nutrients to the vital organs and tissue of the body.

Red Root has also been traditionally used as a cleansing herb by herbalists. This herb can stimulate lymph function and aid in the transport of waste material from the lymph to the liver. Red root has also shown to boost the liver and its vital functions.

Echinacea is another herb research has discovered to be an effective lymphatic and blood purifier. Echinacea extracts can boost the production of interferon and has interferon properties which help fight vital infections. Echinacea is also known to equalize white blood cell count and boost the activity of leukocytes (white blood cells) helping the body fight and destroy toxic invaders in the body. It has shown to boost red blood cell count which helps the body detox and it has antiseptic properties which help cleanse and reduce pain in the body from injury.

Yellow dock is considered a blood purifier by herbalists. Yellow dock can also aid in boosting skin health and can be useful with leprosy, psoriasis, and cancer of the skin. Yellow dock is recommended by herbalists if a person is experiencing anemia, liver problems, skin problems, toxemia, infections, lymph congestion, ulcers, or have wounds that need healing. Some say yellow dock is the best blood builder in the herbal kingdom.

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Yeme Sana
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Moldova Chisinau
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Caloundra Queensland Australia

Does Your Liver Need an Overhaul? The Importance of Liver Flushing Part 3





Gallbladder Flush

Gallbladder Flush Recipe

Gallstone Treatment

Gallstones in the Liver—The Most Common Cause of Illness

An estimated 20 percent of the world’s population will develop gallstones in their gallbladder at some stage in their lives; many of them will opt for surgical removal of this important organ. This statistical figure does not account, though, for the many more people who will develop gallstones (or already have them) in their liver. During some thirty years of practicing natural medicine and dealing with thousands of people suffering from all types of chronic diseases, I can attest to the fact that each one of them, without exception, has had considerable quantities of gallstones in his or her liver. Surprisingly, only relatively few of them reported to have had a history of gallstones in their gallbladder.

Gallstones in the liver may be the main impediment to acquiring and maintaining good health, youthfulness, and vitality. Gallstones in the liver may, indeed, be one of the major reasons people become ill and have difficulty recuperating from illness.

Medicine’s Most Unfortunate Oversight

Many people believe that gallstones can be found only in the gallbladder. This is a commonly made yet false assumption. Most gallstones are actually formed in the liver, and comparatively few occur in the gallbladder. You can easily verify this assessment by giving yourself a liver flush. It matters little whether you are a layperson, a medical doctor, a scientist, or someone whose gallbladder was removed and, therefore, is believed to be stone free. The results of the liver flush speak for themselves. No amount of scientific proof or medical explanation can make such a cleanse any more valuable than it already is. Once you see hundreds of green, beige-colored, brown, or black gallstones floating in the toilet bowl during your first liver flush, you will intuitively know that you are on to something extremely important in your life.

I am repeatedly asked the intriguing question—why is there only little or no reference in mainstream medicine to the occurrence of gallstones in the liver? Standard clinical tests almost never reveal the occurrence of gallstones in the liver. In fact, most doctors don’t even know they grow there. Only some of the most advanced research universities, such as the prestigious Johns Hopkins University, describe and illustrate these liver stones in their literature or on their web sites. They refer to them as “”intrahepatic gallstones.”” The failure to recognize and accept the incidence of gallstone formation in the liver as an extremely common phenomenon may very well be the most unfortunate oversight that has ever been made in the field of medicine, both orthodox and holistic.

Relying so heavily on blood tests for diagnostic purposes, as conventional medicine does, may actually be a great disadvantage with regard to assessing liver health. Most people who have a physical complaint of one kind or another may show to have perfectly normal liver enzyme levels in the blood, despite suffering from liver congestion. Liver congestion is among the leading health problems, yet conventional medicine rarely refers to it, nor do doctors have a reliable way to detect and diagnose such a condition. Liver enzyme levels in the blood become elevated only when there is advanced liver cell destruction, as is the case, for example, in hepatitis or liver inflammation. Liver cells contain large amounts of enzymes. Once a certain number of liver cells are ruptured, their enzymes will start showing up in the blood. When detected through a blood test, this increased count of liver enzymes indicates abnormal liver functions. In such an event, however, the damage has already occurred. It takes many years of chronic liver congestion before liver damage becomes apparent.

Unfortunately, unless there is a specific liver disease, this vital organ is rarely considered a “”culprit”” for other diseases. The majority of gallstones in the liver consist of the same “”harmless”” constituents as are found in liquid bile, with cholesterol being the main ingredient. A number of stones consist of fatty acids and other organic material that has ended up in the bile ducts. The fact that the majority of these stones are just congealed clumps of bile or organic matter makes them practically “”invisible”” to x-rays, ultrasonic technologies, and Computer Tomography (CT).

The situation is different with regard to the gallbladder, where up to about 20 percent of all stones can be made-up entirely of minerals, predominantly, calcium salts and bile pigments. Whereas diagnostic tests can easily detect these hardened, relatively large stones in the gallbladder, they tend to miss the softer, non-calcified stones in the liver. Only when excessive amounts of cholesterol-based stones (85-95% cholesterol) or other clumps of fat block the bile ducts of the liver, may an ultrasound test reveal what is generally referred to as “”fatty liver.”” In such a case, the ultrasound pictures reveal a liver that is almost completely white (instead of black). A fatty liver can gather up to 20,000 stones before it succumbs to suffocation and ceases to function.

If you had a fatty liver and went to the doctor, he would tell you that you had excessive fatty tissue in your liver. It is less likely, though, that he would tell you that you had intrahepatic gallstones (stones obstructing the liver’s bile ducts). As mentioned before, most of the smaller stones in the liver are not detectable through ultrasound or Computer axial Tomography (CT). Nevertheless, careful analysis of diagnostic images by specialists would show whether some of the smaller bile ducts in the liver were dilated because of obstruction. A dilation of bile ducts caused by larger and denser stones or by clusters of stones may be detected more readily through Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). However, unless there is an indication of major liver trouble, doctors rarely check for such intrahepatic stones. Unfortunately, although the liver is one of the most important organs in the body, its disorders are also under-diagnosed all too often.

Even if the early stages of a fatty liver or gallstone formation in the bile ducts were easily recognized and diagnosed, today’s medical facilities offer no treatments to relieve this vital organ of the heavy burden it has to carry.

On the other hand, a qualified iridologist, an Ayurvedic physician or a natural health practitioner who knows the signs and indications of gallstones in the liver and gallbladder, can easily determine the extent of gallstone formation in these organs. [Such indicators are listed in the book The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush,] Most people in the civilized world have gallstones. But even in alternative or holistic medicine, there is rarely mention of an effective therapy that can actually remove gallstones safely and without pain. Gallstones are a direct product of an unhealthy diet and lifestyle. If gallstones are still present in the liver even after all other disease-causing factors are eliminated, they pose a considerable health risk and may lead to illness and premature aging. By removing these stones, the body as a whole is able to resume its normal, healthy activities.

Reaping the Benefits

People with chronic illnesses often have several thousand gallstones congesting the bile ducts of the liver. Some stones may have also grown in the gallbladder. By removing these stones from these organs through a series of liver flushes and maintaining a balanced diet and lifestyle, the liver and gallbladder can restore their original efficiency, and most symptoms of discomfort or disease in the body can start subsiding. You may find that any persistent allergies will lessen or disappear. Back pain will dissipate, while energy and well-being will improve.

Sweeping the liver clean eliminates thousands of bits of poisonous substances that have helped form the stones and block thousands of liver bile ducts. Ridding the liver bile ducts from gallstones is one of the most important and powerful procedures you can apply to improve and regain your physical and emotional health. By reopening the bile ducts, the body’s energy circuits become restored and healing can take place on all levels of body, mind and spirit.

Ukraine, Kiev,
Burundi Bujumbura
Russia Moscow
France Paris
Nigeria Abuja
Costa Rica San Jose
Norway Oslo
Benin, Porto-Novo
Melville Victoria Australia
Round Rock Texas USA

Liver And Gallbladder Flush Recipe To Get Rid Of Stones Part 3





Gallbladder Flush

Gallbladder Flush Recipe

Gallstone Treatment

The Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush

Following morning: Upon waking up, drink another 1/4 of the epsom salt solution. If you feel nauseated or with a sensation of indigestion, wait for this feeling to disappear before drinking. You can go back to sleep if you want. Do not drink this solution before 6 am.
2 hours later: drink the remaining of the solution (last 1/4). Again, you can go back to sleep if you feel like it.
2 hours later again: You can start eating. Begin with a fresh fruit juice (why not go on with grapefruit!). Then, one hour later, eat a fruit. Again one hour later, eat normaly but light. By the evening, everything should be back to normal.

Expect diarrhea in the morning. Use a torch to look at the stones in the toilet. Look for green bids because they give you the indication that there are stones and not food remains. Only bile is green. Those stones stay afloat because they content cholesterol.

Try to count them approximately. You will have to pass a total of 2000 stones to be sure that your liver is really cleansed out, and that your bursitis and back aches are gone. The first flush wil help you to get rid of the front line stones, so to say. Meanwhile, the stones being located higher in the liver will move down towards the gallbladder. And the symptoms will again reappear (sharp pain on the right side). You will have to repeat the flush 2 weeks later. It not recommanded to do this cleansing if you are very sick.

It happens sometines that the bile duct is full of tiny cholesterol cristals which have not regrouped to form stones. They float on the surface of the water and look like bran, with a tawny colour. You could see thousands of them. It is as important to get rid of those than it is to get rid of the green stones.

This liver-gallbladder flush is very safe. Nevertheless, it could make you feel weak for one or two days. But after that, you will feel full of energy. In my case, the first time I did it, I went walking for 3 hours in the Laurentian forest on the same day (I had to stop behind some boulders here and there though!). That first time, I passed 1500-2000 soft green stones, as I said before. I couldn’t believe my eyes!

Malta, Valetta,
Belarus, Minsk,
Norwalk California USA
Bosnia, Sarajevo,
Serbia, Belgrade,
Macedonia, Skjope,
Greece, Athens,
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Austria Vienna
Trinidad and Tobago Port-of-Spain