Heavy Metal Toxicity: Signs and Symptoms That You May be Toxic Part 1






Heavy Metal Toxicity

Heavy Metals Symptoms

Heavy Metals Cleanse

Over the past 50 years human exposure to heavy metal toxins has risen dramatically. Each day we are exposed to some kind of heavy metal toxin whether it is the air, the water we drink or the food we eat.

Chronic exposure to these dangerous toxins come from the mercury-amalgam fillings we get from our dental visits, lead in paint and tap water, chemical residues found in processed foods and toxins in personal care products, among others.

Certain professions are also at higher risk for mercury exposure including anyone in the dental occupation, laboratory workers, hairdressers, painters, printers, welders, metalworkers, cosmetic workers, battery makers, engravers, photographers, visual artists and potters.

While some people have the ability to excrete these toxins out of their system, others, particularly those suffering from chronic conditions, are not so lucky and develop a build-up of metals called heavy metal toxicity. Further, heavy metals can accumulate in your body over time, causing symptoms you might not equate with heavy metals.

In many cases, the symptoms brought on by metal toxicity are often misdiagnosed for chronic conditions such as autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression and multiple sclerosis.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity
There are two types of heavy metal toxicity: acute and chronic. Symptoms of acute toxicity are easy to recognize because they are usually quick and severe in onset.

The symptoms include:
• Cramping, nausea, and vomiting
• Pain
• Sweating
• Headaches
• Difficulty breathing
• Impaired cognitive, motor, and language skills
• Mania
• Convulsions

Chronic exposure, on the other hand, produces different symptoms, which can be easily confused with symptoms of different illnesses. Some of the symptoms are impaired cognitive, motor, and language skills, learning difficulties, nervousness and emotional instability, insomnia and nausea.
In fact, because toxic metals block the absorption and utilization of essential minerals, this in itself can set up a whole cascade of symptoms that gradually get worse over time.

Below is a more specific checklist of symptoms of metal toxicity poisoning:
• Chronic pain throughout the muscles and tendons or any soft tissues of the body
• Chronic malaise — general feeling of discomfort, fatigue, and illness
• Brain fog — state of forgetfulness and confusion
• Chronic infections such as Candida
• Gastrointestinal complaints, such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, gas, heartburn, and indigestion
• Food allergies
• Dizziness
• Migraines and/or headaches
• Visual disturbances
• Mood swings, depression, and/or anxiety
• Nervous system malfunctions — burning extremities, numbness, tingling, paralysis, and/or an electrifying feeling throughout the body.

Arsenic, Lead and Mercury: A Potentially Deadly Heavy Metal Toxin Combination

The most common heavy metals that can be harmful to your health in large amounts are aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, lead, and mercury with the last three contributing to the most cases of heavy metal toxicity.
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) confirmed this when they compiled a Priority List for 2001 called the “”Top 20 Hazardous Substances.”” The first three heavy metals to appear on their list were arsenic, lead and mercury.

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