Diabetes Spares No One: Protect Yourself With HBOT

A Solo Ride To Recovery: Single Bag HBOT
A Solo Ride To Recovery: Single Bag HBOT

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers-Autism

Are you a fan of Halle Berry, Johnny Cash or David Crosby? What about Jerry Garcia, Patti LaBelle or B.B. King? Maybe you are a fan of Motley Crue’s Tommy Lee or Poison’s Bret Michaels? Maybe you like boxing, are you a fan of Sugar Ray Robinson? What about Ernest Hemingway, Anne Rice, Mario Puzo or H.G. Wells?

Now if you happen to be a fan of any of the celebrities in this, you may have, at one point dream of having what they have. But, with this group, though, there is one thing you might not wish to ever have. No, it’s not the scandals. It’s not even the paparazzis. It’s diabetes.

Yes, all of these celebrities listed above have diabetes. And yes, diabetes strikes anyone, whether you are a Hollywood A-lister or not. If there’s one thing we got to know about diseases such as this, they spare no one.

Diabetes mellitus, or more commonly known as diabetes, is a syndrome of disordered metabolism that is usually due to a combination of hereditary and environmental causes resulting into abnormally high blood sugar levels.

There are, for sure, a myriad of alternative ways to prevent or cure diabetes. For one, there is the presciption meds that you have to take in a required regimen day in and day out. Then of course, there is that regular doctor’s visit for check-ups and such.

And then there is the hyperbaric oxygen chamber therapy (HBOT). You see, oxygen is essential to our bodies for the proper healing of bodily tissues whether it’s skin, muscle, or bone. In most cases, the natural act of breathing combined with a healthy network of veins and arteries provide enough oxygen for bod tissues to heal. But there are certain circumstances where hyperbaric oxygen treatment is used to increase oxygen flow within tissues to improve healing.

For diabetes, HBOT is used to promote the body’s increased absorption of oxygen into its cells, kick-starting the fast healing or regeneration of cells.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Even Tough Man Sugar Ray Robinson Could Not Fight The Big D
Even Tough Man Sugar Ray Robinson Could Not Fight The Big D

Where Conventional Medicine Fails in Diabetes, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Succeeds

Got Diabetes? Get HBOT.
Got Diabetes? Get HBOT.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers-Autism

Diabetes is all about a serious chronic metabolic disease that is characterized by an increase in blood sugar levels associated with long term damage and failure or organ functions, specifically at the eyes, the nerves, the kidneys, the heart and the blood vessels.

The disease happens when insulin in the body is not is not appropriately produced by the pancreas. It also occurs when the body cannot adequately use insulin. Insulin is a hormone that is necessary for the adequate utilization of sugar by muscles, liver and fat.

The complication of diabetes occurs when the body reaches an alarming high level. Such complications lead to blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart attack, slow-healing wounds, and impotence.

If you have got diabetes or know someone who has it might be advisable to get hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is all about the use of 100% oxygen in a sealed hyperbaric chamber that is pressurized 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure. It was first used by scuba divers to relieve decompression sickness but now has been approved for use in the United States hospitals for carbon monoxide, ozsteomyelitis, soft tissue infection, wounds that wound not heal and diabetes.

There is also no need to really go to hospitals to have oxygen hyperbaric treatment because there are already hyperbaric chambers that are available for sale and for rent.

So again if you have diabetes or know someone who has it would be better if you try to get hyperbaric oxygen treatment especially at times when conventional medicine has failed. The treatment would really help rid of those complications listed above. Hope you have a healthy life.

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Stop Dementia With Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment Before It Stops You

No One Should Ever Suffer From Alzheimers Disease
No One Should Ever Suffer From Alzheimer's Disease

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

Dementia is all about the advanced decline in cognitive function due to disease or damage in the body beyond what is expected from normal aging. One of the famous type of dementia is Alzheimer’s disease.

Alzheimer’s disease is all about a form of dementia that is characterized by the advanced degenerative brain syndrome that affects memory, thinking behavior and emotion. Alzheimer’s usually affect people older than 65 but can even affect those who are younger than 40. Its average age at diagnosis is about 80.There are less than 5 percent of people who are between 65 and 74 who have Alzheimer’s and the number jumps to 50% for people who are 85 or older.

Risk of having Alzheimer’s becomes slightly higher if a first-degree relative or parent, sister, brother has the disease and women tend to develop the disease more likely than men, in part due to the fact that women live longer than men.

And thanks to modern science and technology there are now new alternative medicines coming out that can help prevent and cure Alzheimer’s. One of these is hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment works by the patient being placed in a sealed hyperbaric chamber and inhaling 100% oxygen that is pressurized 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure. Hyperbaric oxygen treatment was first used by scuba divers to relieve them of decompression sickness but today the treatment has been approved for use in United States hospitals.

And again thanks to modern technology and science, hyperbaric chambers are now available for sale and fro rent. No need to go to a hospital to get a hyperbaric oxygen treatment because one can now take it form the safety of their homes.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

HBOT Single Bag Chamber
HBOT Single Bag Chamber

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Therapy and Stroke



Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers-Autism
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

In the journal Stroke, Dr. Richard Neubauer, a pioneer in the use of this therapy for treating various neurological diseases, reported outstanding results in a group of 122 stoke patients treated with HBOT. In one case, significant functional improvement was noted when Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy was used 14 years after the initial stroke.

These studies by Dr. Richard Neubauer conclusively demonstrate the development of new blood vessels to the rim of tissue surrounding the area of the brain that had been damaged.

These newly formed blood vessels resulting from the hyperbaric oxygen therapy can then bring fresh blood (oxygen) and nutrients to the damaged tissue. The tissue begins to repair itself and returns to normal or near-normal. These “resuscitated” neurons gradually reconnect to the rest of the brain. These revived neurons and their connections help to return the use of lost cerebral and bodily functions.

Hyperbaric therapy does not resurrect dead brain tissue, but it can facilitate the functioning of those dormant, idling nerve cells that have suffered secondary damage by stroke due to diminished oxygen. Oftentimes, the brain area suffering secondary damage is a larger part of the brain than that which suffered the primary damage. This area of secondary damage to the brain (the ischemic penumbra) is the area that HBOT helps.

Improvements have been achieved, gains have been made, even with patients who are more than a decade post-stroke.

Note: TIA: Transient Ischemic Attack, is a “mini stroke”, or “warning stroke” that often produces mild stroke-like symptoms but usually no lasting damage. A TIA is often a forecast of a full-fledged stroke on the horizon, which makes this a good indicator for beginning this therapy.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

Getting To Know Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Treatments

Going Solo
Going Solo

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Brain Injury

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a painless procedure in which the patient is exposed to pressurized 100% oxygen that is pressurized to 1.5 to 3 times more than the normal atmospheric pressure. This process allows the patient to obtain a greater rate of oxygen absorption throughout the body and its tissues; thus, resulting in many therapeutic and healing effects.

Hyperbaric oxygen treatment is a US FDA-approved treatment for 13 indications and, at present, is widely used in the USA, UK, and China. It is used to treat Cerebral Palsy, ADD/ADHD, Autism, Stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injuries, anoxic brain injuries, head injuries, immune dysfunction, decompression sickness and other off-label indications.

Hyperbaric chambers usually measure over 34 inches in diameter and 105 inches long so that any child who is, for example, being treated for head injuries can be accompanied by their parents.

Inside the hyperbaric chamber, children with head injuries can have their parents read them a book, play cards, watch movies on a portable DVD or just sleep together. And it doesn’t hurt too, that the kid will find the experience pleasant enough to not dread a repeat session.

Hyperbaric chambers also come in single and double bag chamber varieties. Single bags are operated and can only be occupied by, you guessed it, just one person. Meanwhile, the double bag versions bag require two hands to operate solo especially if both hands are injured or disabled.

What is also good about it is that hyperbaric oxygen chambers are now available for sale and for rent. Thus, also erasing the need to travel for the treatment because you can have one for your own right in the comforts of your home.

So if you know anyone who has head injury, autism, or any of those conditions listed above, share this entry about hyperbaric oxygen treatment with them. After all, the advancement of Science and Technology has indeed afforded humanity with a wide range of health options and treatment alternatives. It would be such a shame to leave anything out.


Double Bag HBOT Chamber
There's Comfort in Twos

The Truth About ADD/ADHD and Hyperbaric Oxygenation Treatment

Does Your Child Have ADD/ADHD?
Does Your Child Have ADD/ADHD?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

ADD/ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a common childhood medical condition. Your child may have it; your child may not. But how does one know? Here are some tips how.

Does your child act without thinking first, has trouble sitting still or often starts but does not finish things? Do such signs start to cause problems in school or at your home? If your answers are all “yes” then your child may have ADD/ADHD .

Though not all children who have restless behavior are related to ADD/ADHD, it is still better for us, as parents, to know more about ADD/ADHD. Fidgeting, poor concentration, or impulsiveness that start to disrupt performance at home, school, or relationships with other children are the subtle but telling signs of ADD/ADHD.

Whether the condition is ADD/ADHD or not, you can know for sure only by seeing the child’s doctor, getting the right diagnosis. Once it is established that he or she indeed has the disorder, then the next step would be to seek the appropriate treatment. Doing so will help the child cope with his or her condition. In fact, this may even make social interaction in school and outside much easier.

And of note too, once you find our that the diagnosis is ADD/ADHD, one modern alternative medicine that can help cure ADD/ADHD in children is the hyperbaric oxygen treatment. First used by scuba divers to relieve them of decompression sickness, hyperbaric oxygen treatment is now used by United states hospitals to cure carbon monoxide poisoning, soft tissue infections, and wounds that don’t heal.

What happens in a hyperbaric oxygen treatment is that patients are sealed in a hyperbaric chamber filled with 100% oxygen that is pressurized 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure. The treatment usually last 30 minutes to 2 hours and parents can accompany their children inside the hyperbaric chamber. The treatment is non-invasive, non-toxic, and very much safe. Due to the pleasant characteristics of the treatment listed above, some parents have even reported that their children await their next schedule for the treatment.

One way also of availing hyperbaric oxygen treatment is by buying or renting a hyeprbaric chamber. Through such accessibility, the treatment has become more closer to home and there is no longer a need to go to hospitals.

Whatever you choose, whether it is owning your own hyperbaric chamber, renting one, or going to a hospital, getting your child the best possible treatment is what matters.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Our Compressor With A Multiple Filter System
Our Compressor With A Multiple Filter System

Preventing Crohn’s Disease Through Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment

Crohns Disease Damages The Digestive Tract
Crohn's Disease Damages The Digestive Tract

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

Crohn’s disease’s symptoms can hit hard and hit without warning. And before it gets you, it’s always better to know what Crohn’s disease is all about. Knowledge about the disease is the first way to prevent it.

For starters, Crohn’s disease is a form of chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes swelling or inflammation of the digestive tract or the gastrointestinal tract. As of now, there are some 500,000 people in the United States who have Crohn’s disease. The disease can happen at any age. However, records show that most people diagnosed with it are between the age of 15 and 35. Men and women are at equal risk to have the disease as well. Roughly twenty percent of people who have relatives with Crohn’s disease also have children or parents who have some form of Crohn’s disease.

The symptoms of Corhn’s disease may range from mild to severe and can vary widely from person to person. Some people experience periods when they have flare-ups that are followed by episodes of remission when the symptoms decrease or disappear. Some common symptoms include persistent diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, fever, and fatigue.

Some severe cases also report to have experienced rectal bleeding and loss of appetite. The disease also affects other ares such as the joints, eyes, skin, and liver.

Complications lead to an obstruction of the intestine due to swelling and formation of scar tissue. Potential complications also include the development of fissure, abscesses, and fistulas.

One way of preventing and curing Crohn’s disease is hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Here, a patient gets treatment in a hyperbaric chamber by inhaling 100% oxygen that is pressurized 1.5 to 3 times the normal atmospheric pressure.

What is also good about it is that hyperbaric chambers are now available through owning or renting one. So with this range in accessibility, you don’t really need to travel. You can have the treatment right inside the safety of your homes.

Have a healthy life everyone!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Frame
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Frame

With Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments, Alzheimer’s Disease Is Incurable No More

Comparison of the Human Brain With and Without Alzheimers Disease
Comparison of the Human Brain With and Without Alzheimer's Disease

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles
Alzheimer’s disease is a degenerative and presumably incurable form of dementia. The German psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer discovered it in 1906, and since then, the number of individuals diagnosed with the disease has progressively increased. This disease is common in adults aged 65 and above. As of 2006, 26.6 million people have been identified as individuals with Alzheimer’s. And it is estimated that this number may increase in four-folds come 2050.

While it is a fact that each Alzheimer’s patient experiences the disease in differently from another, there are common symptoms. The most obvious and easily observable is memory loss. This, though, is commonly confused with “age-related” concerns or simply as manifestations of stress.

Once the disease advances, later-stage symptoms are made evident in disorientation, irritability, mood swings, language deterioration, and irrational aggression. The worst of these symptoms occur when the patient’s senses decline, loss of long-term memory, and eventually the loss of mobility and bodily functions leading to death.

Alzheimer’s is no walk in the park I know, and it is a disease that we do not wish to befall on us, to our loved ones, or to anyone, for that matter. And the good thing about the 21st century is that we are now given the avenue to look into the most fearsome of diseases and find a way to stop it. The hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment (HBOT) is one such avenue provided by science.

HBOT is one of the modern medical alternatives that can help avoid and possibly cure Alzheimer’s. This treatment espouses the use of oxygen at a higher than atmospheric pressure. HBOT is already reknowned for its positive effects on brain damage and head injuries as the treatment works by successfully replenishing and healing damaged brain cells.

The same theory is applied to the approach on the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s. A study lead by Dr. Paul G. Harch shows the administration of HBOT to a dementia patient for over a course of two moths. This resulted with the patient resuming independent living and stayed so. The patient was said to have experienced improved cognitive functions three years after the diagnosis. HBOT effectively slowed the progression of the disease. That patient has lived an Alzheimer’s disease-free life for four more years.

A Single Bag Chamber
A Single Bag Chamber

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

Hypebaric Oxygen Chamber May Treat Foot Wounds Caused By Diabetes

Pretty Feet
Pretty Feet

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

Wikipedia defines diabetes mellitus, or more commonly known as just diabetes, is a syndrome characterized by disordered metabolism. This is usually due to a series of causes, which are hereditary and environmental in nature. Thus resulting in abnormally high level of blood sugar.

Most patients afflicted with diabetes mellitus experience delayed healing of wounds, infection, and ultimately, gangrene. This is because of the abnormalities of the arteries and “diabetic neuropathy” brought about by the disease. The statistical number of individuals with diabetes who develop “diabetic foots” or foot ulcers amount to ten to fifteen percent. And of the foot-related cases reported in hospitals, 50% lead to diabetes-related hospital confinements.

When a wound fails to respond to generic medical treatment, there can be a problem. This is also a very obvious sign of impaired tissue healing. This can be attributed to the phenomenon called “tissue hypoxia.” This is the condition in which cells and tissues receive and have low oxygen levels resulting or related to poor circulation. Such a case can get complicated. And this may ultimately lead to one of the most destructive diabetes complications: a loss of a limb.

But, with the advancement of technology, there may be a cure for these seemingly formidable foot wounds: hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment.

This treatment involves tissue oxygenation, which hightens and promotes oxygen absorption in the cells. In turn, wound repair process will be kicked into high gear. In conjunction with maintained wound care, the patient will see fascinating results that show healing in even the most threatening of wounds.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers

Single Bag Hyperbaric Chamber
Single Bag Hyperbaric Chamber

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers May Be The Answer To Head Injuries

The Human Brain
The Human Brain

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber Articles

Head injury is a trauma to the head and may, or may not, include injury to the brain. However, it may get confusing as the terms “brain injury” and “head injury” do get to be used interchangeably in medical literature.

The common causes of head injury are home and occupational accidents, traffic accidents, falls and assaults. In children, bicycle accidents are a common cause of head injury-related disability and sometimes, even death.

Currently, there are about three hundred incidences of head injury in one hundred thousand injuries every year. The mortality rate as of the moment rates to twenty-five for every one hundred thousand in North America alone. It is also named as one of the more common causes of childhood hospitalization.

Head injury can include both injuries to the brain and other parts of the head such as the scalp and the skull. It can be characterized as either opened or closed.

Whatever it may be, head injury can now be cured through hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatments (HBOT). According to Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, a branch of the US Department of Health and Human Services, HBOT might effectively reduce deaths related to brain injury. The findings also shows that HBOT may shorten the duration of coma in patients who have undergone severe brain injury.

Since oxygen is a valuable component in the body’s natural healing process, precursors of the treatment posit that HBOT’s combination of increase in atmospheric pressure and the release of 100% pure oxygen into the blood will result in a faster and more effective dissolution of oxygen into the cells. Damaged muscles, which have been receiving less amounts of blood, would now be receiving more. And thus, fast healing occurs.

Since this treatment process is so promising, most high-risk jobs, such as the Air Force, are researching and discovering the hyperbaric oxygen chamber treatment.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chambers Products

Double Bag Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
Double Bag Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber